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Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Another Chapter from Shrinking Oases of Useless Eaters

As published at SubStack, 2/27/24:

[Budapest, 2/4/16]

Hungarian Lessons

2/6/16, with substantial elaborations on 2/27/24--I was surprised by how grimy and sooty Budapest was. So many of its buildings, once gorgeous, have badly decayed. This city looked better before World War II, for sure, and certainly a century ago.

Since escaping Communism, Budapest has partially regained its glories, though not at the same pace as Prague. There’s a peculiar local fad called ruin pubs. In half wrecked buildings, hipsters drink and dance. Too creaky to boogie, I only glimpsed them from the outside, but these adult playgrounds didn’t look half bad.

In eastern Germany, Poland, Czech Republic and Ukraine, I'd seen similar ruination. Later, I would encounter more in Serbia and Albania. Intact Communist buildings were hideous enough. Aggressively male and rational, they allowed for no embellishment or grace, thus no beauty.

In subway concourses, there were many homeless sheltering all day. Though miserable enough, they were clean and didn't beg. Other aimless types loitered. Underground shops offered food, drinks, magazines and flowers. Some were owned by Chinese. At street level, there were gyro joints run by Greeks, Turks or just Hungarians.

Established in 1896, Budapest's metro is the second oldest on earth, after only London's, but that was steam powered. Take Line 1 to glory in the beauty and charm of a time long past. The world hasn't always been this ugly. According to the 2011 census, 7.3% of Budapest residents were foreign-born, but most were just Magyars arriving from Romania, Serbia and Ukraine.

Before World War II, the largest synagogue in Europe was in Budapest, with its 200,000 Jews. It's claimed half would be massacred by Germans and their local allies. Since gas chambers, six million gassed, human skin lampshades, Jew hair mattresses, babies used as machine gun target practices, a toddler torn in half with bare hands and blood gushing from the ground for days, etc., have all been proven as bullshit to anyone not insane, the world needs to comb through all claims about the phantasmagoric Final Solution. Jewish lies breed genocides.

As for Gypsies, estimates of their population in Hungary range from 3.1 to more than 10%. With a high birthrate, they're ever more visible. Many of the most famous Hungarians were not Magyar. Franz Liszt was German. Bela Bartok was half German and a quarter Serbian. Houdini, Robert Capa, Arthur Koestler and André Kertész were Jews.

As an Oriental, I'm tickled that Hungarians, Russians and even very blonde haired and blue eyed Finns have, at various times, been defined as not quite white. Wandering around Budapest, I found Hungarians white enough, with those betraying Turkic ancestry to be, if anything, particularly attractive.

Whatever their mix, Hungarians are more protective of their identity and nationhood than those further west, and this is generally true of Eastern Europeans. After half a century of Communism, they're sick of any globalist hokum.

Lately, Hungary has gotten much bad press thanks to Viktor Orban. Newsweek compared him to Mussolini, and John McCain described him as “a neo-fascist dictator getting in bed with Vladimir Putin.” If creepy McCain likes apple pies, it's probably wise to stop eating them.

After becoming prime minister in 1998, Orban had Hungary join NATO, so was seen as snugly in the Western camp, but since 2010, he has made bold moves against both Brussels and Washington.

Most lambasted is Orban's stance on the refugee/illegal immigrant crisis, but some of his other decisions are even more antagonistic towards Uncle Sam and Jews. Orban rejected the IMF’s austerity measures, increased Hungary’s oversight over its Central Bank, raised taxes for all banks and, in 2013, even kicked out the International Monetary Fund.

Orban’s moves against banksters have not been foregrounded by the Jewjewed press because they don't want anyone to learn from or, God forbid, emulate his actions.

In defiance of Washington's effort to isolate Russia, Orban agreed in 2014 to have South Stream go through Hungary. This Russian pipeline would also have crossed Turkey, Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Slovenia and Austria. Though South Stream would have benefited all of Europe, Washington leaned on Bulgaria to have it scuttled.

DC has also strong-armed Poland to bypass cheap Russian gas in favor of distant Qatar's much more expensive product.

In 2011, Orban banned GMO crops from Hungary and destroyed 1,000 acres of corn planted with Monsanto seeds.

Stating the obvious, Orban has repeatedly stressed that sanctions against Russia hurt all European countries. Not only is Russia a huge market for Europe, but an irreplaceable source of cheap energy. Without this, homes freeze and factories shut down.

There are only 14.5 million Hungarians worldwide, with less than 10 million inside the country. After WWI, the vindictive Treaty of Trianon stripped Hungary of 71% of its land and 66% of its people. Not even Germany has been truncated so ruthlessly. By giving money or citizenship to all ethnic Hungarians, provided they still speak the language, Orban is reconstituting and reinvigorating his nation. This nationalist agenda has pitted Orban against Jews. Nakedly hypocritical, they only push globalism or multiculturalism on your nation. When it comes to Israel, they're more tribal and racist than anyone.

Orban has revoked tax-exemptions from all Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu and Baha’i organizations in Hungary. Alien Christian sects such as Opus Dei, Benedictine, Marist, Carmelite, Mormon, Jehovah’s Witness, Seventh Day Adventist, Episcopalian and Methodist must also pay. It's weird that three synagogues are still allowed to dodge taxes, but not everything can be done at once. Under Orban, the only churches to receive state recognition and support are those deemed traditional to Hungary.

Echoing Putin, Orban condemns NGOs as a fifth column. Though a young Orban received a four-month scholarship from George Soros to study at Oxford, he's fingering the Budapest-born Jew as a dangerous meddler, and not just in Hungary, but all of Europe. In the USA, too, we must add.

In speeches and interviews, Orban explains himself quite clearly. To Die Weltwoche, Orban said in 2015, “There are terms and concepts which for a long time could not be uttered, but which are once again beginning to form part of public discourse. For example, ‘borders’—are they good or bad? We can once again say that they have their good sides. Or ‘nation’: this word can once again be used in a positive sense. 'Christianity': most European leaders--including myself--are advised not to use this word too frequently, because most Europeans no longer feel Christian. Now, however, this word is once again returning to political debates. Or ‘pride,’ as in ‘the pride of a nation’: once again it has become a legitimate expression. A positive consequence of the migration crisis is that once again we are attempting to talk openly about our continent’s identity—more freely than in the past two decades.”

In an insane world, you can't even state the obvious without sounding apologetic. Borders and nations don't just have good sides, but are essential to survival. Just as a house without walls is no house at all, no nation can exist without borders. Still, Orban's measure tone is enough to drive "progressives" apeshit.

Allowing men to use women's bathrooms is another way to violate borders. That would come later. Once inside the most vulnerable of female spaces, they can violate girls and women.

Leftist dogmatism is a progression away from nature and common sense, towards increasingly violent abstractions. Words and concepts trump evidence, so a preferred pronoun can erase a ragingly erect cock, and illegal immigrants are no more than undocumented workers or migrants.

An elected leader, Orban should only follow his people's wishes, but in doing so, he's relentlessly attacked by the American empire, the European Union and globalist Jews. With citizens ignored and their leaders impotent, Europe has become a democracy-free zone, with even free speech severely curtailed. Orban, then, is an anomaly. Here he speaks of aliens as an existential threat:

For months it was regarded as a humanitarian issue, then as a technical problem as to where the refugees should be settled and how they should be distributed. No one raised the question of whether the essence of the matter is more about our existence, our cultural identity and our way of life. I do not know for certain what is actually happening, and I do not want to blame anyone; but the suspicion arises that none of this is happening by chance. I am not brave enough to publicly talk about this as a certainty; the suspicion inevitably emerges, however, that there is some kind of master plan behind this.

Isn't it ironic that I, an immigrant who spent three decades in the US, with several more years in Europe, am endorsing nativism? Not really. Whites deformed and bombed my native land, with Uncle Sam bolting after he's made his bundle, then love to China. Or consider the Hmongs. If the US hadn't gotten them to fight Vietnamese, they wouldn't have bounced all the way to California, Montana and Minnesota. Some slaves will end up in the massa's house or even bed. From birth, I was entangled in Uncle Sam's net. Full spectrum dominance is his term.

It's only ironic that I'm more of a patriot than many Americans! Instead of colluding or voting for those harming the country, I openly speak out against them. Andy Ngo, too, is not afraid to expose himself. He's been beaten up even. The only man left in America is a gay Vietnamese! Bradley Manning has transitioned. At least he had balls.

The cabal that have subverted or ruined nations in the Middle East, North Africa and Europe are doing the same to the USA. Cowed, confused and diluted populations are easier to rule and rob. Is there a way out? Orban sees the world as having changed radically since the 2008 financial crisis. He’s prepping Hungary for life beyond the collapse of both Washington and the EU.

Meanwhile, he's still straddling Uncle Sam. After sending 80 T-72 tanks to Ukraine in 2014, for just $8,500 a piece, Hungary got much better replacements from DC. Perhaps these will be used to retake the TransCarpathian as Ukraine weakens even further.

There's also deviousness in Orban's statement about refugees, “We didn't destroy the countries from which migrants are coming. We didn't bomb anyone. We didn't invite anyone here. And now those who dropped the bombs and sent out invitations want to settle them here. Is this fair?” Under Orban, Hungary did contribute hundreds of soldiers to the American wars against Afghanistan and Iraq!

A little guy, Orban can't challenge the biggest bully completely, lest he be ditched in a coup or color revolution. The list of foreign leaders eliminated by Uncle Sam is long. Instead of harping on his concessions or inconsistencies, we should be inspired by Orban's nationalism. Even Putin can appear compromised, but his statements, like Orban's, are clearly an alternative to what's being pushed by Uncle Sam and Jews. Here's Putin in 2013:

Today, many nations are revising their moral values and ethical norms, eroding ethnic traditions and differences between peoples and cultures. Society is now required not only to recognize everyone’s right to the freedom of consciousness, political views and privacy, but also to accept without question the equality of good and evil, strange as it seems, concepts that are opposite in meaning. This destruction of traditional values from above not only leads to negative consequences for society, but is also essentially anti-democratic, since it is carried out on the basis of abstract, speculative ideas, contrary to the will of the majority, which does not accept the changes occurring or the proposed revision of values.

We know that there are more and more people in the world who support our position on defending traditional values that have made up the spiritual and moral foundation of civilization in every nation for thousands of years: the values of traditional families, real human life, including religious life, not just material existence but also spirituality, the values of humanism and global diversity.

Of course, this is a conservative position. But speaking in the words of Nikolai Berdyaev, the point of conservatism is not that it prevents movement forward and upward, but that it prevents movement backward and downward, into chaotic darkness and a return to a primitive state.

In recent years, we have seen how attempts to push supposedly more progressive development models onto other nations actually resulted in regression, barbarity and extensive bloodshed. This happened in many Middle Eastern and North African countries. This dramatic situation unfolded in Syria.

Triggered by words like "tradition," "traditional" "conservative," "religious" or "values," all correct thinkers must conclude Putin is another Hitler intent on destroying the world! Raging against him, they hardly notice their self propelled descent into barbarity and madness, with much bloodshed to follow. Ideology blinds.

Postscript: After my too brief visit to Budapest in 2016, I haven't been able to return to Hungary. In September of 2020, I did managed to reach Subotica, a Hungarian city in Serbia. Its most beautiful buildings clearly belong to a culture on the other side of the border, but this is true of so many places across this earth. Although borders are often inexact or even unjust, they can't be eliminated or blurred without courting chaos. In 2024, this is exactly what's happening in the US, and by design, too, so Orban was entirely right.

The US Director of Homeland Security is Alejandro Mayorkas, a Jew, so the southern border is wide open to everyone, including drug smugglers, human traffickers and gang members. In 2023 alone, 27.8 illegal immigrants marched in.

Secretary of State is Antony Blinken, a Jew, so the US is sending billions to Israel as it openly commits genocide against Palestinians.

After illegal immigrants beat up cops in NYC, Manhattan's district attorney Alvin Bragg let them go without bail. Clownish Bragg was elected thanks to a million dollar donation from George Soros, a Jew, but as the New York Times is careful to point out, the two have never met or even texted each other.

Further, Soros is not the only large donor to Color of Change. Others include "members of the wealthy Pritzker family, the Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz and the hip-hop group the Beastie Boys." Notice they're all Jews!

With Soros cash, Color of Change has also helped to elect Jewish Larry Krasner in Philadelphia. There, too, violent criminals are often released with small or no bail at all, so Philly, too, has become a lethal shithole.

Killing hundreds of thousands in the US alone, Jewjabs were administered under the guidance of Rochelle Wallensky, a Jew. Many are still dying under her successor, Mandy Cohen, another Jew. Millions more will perish. Making billions from this unprecedented carnage is Jewish Albert Bourla. Any concern over this genocide is censored by Jewish runYoutTube and Facebook. Every newspaper and TV station in Jewjacked America endorses it, still.

The destruction of Ukraine started with the US engineered Maidan Revolution of 2014, now rebranded the Revolution of Dignity! With millions of Ukrainian men needlessly butchered, Jewish clown Vladimir Zelensky started to draft women in 2022. He became president with money and careful orchestration from Jewish Ihor Kolomoisky. His American handler is Jewish Victoria Nuland. Gloating over this disaster, Jewish Tablet had this headline on 3/5/22, "Jewish Ukraine Fights Nazi Russia"!

Of course, there's a plan, but to notice the obvious is to "veer into antisemitic tropes," according to the New York Times.

In Europe, only Hungary and Serbia have a chance.

[Budapest, 2/1/16]
[Budapest, 2/1/16]
[Budapest, 2/4/16]
[Budapest, 2/6/16]

1 comment:

Lyle said...

"It is better not to make merit a matter of reward
Lest people conspire and contend,
Not to pile up rich belongings
Lest they rob,
Not to excite by display
Lest they covet.
A sound leader's aim
Is to open people's hearts,
Fill their stomachs,
Calm their wills,
Brace their bones
And so to clarify their thoughts and cleanse their needs
That no cunning meddler could touch them:
Without being forced, without strain or constraint,
Good government comes of itself."
Lao Tzu.

Does this quote fit here, or does it, as I suspect,
Contain some form of Ideology?