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Saturday, February 17, 2024

From Normality to Madness!

Table of Contents

Restorative Oases Essential 
Twelve Rounds with Kent Clizbe 
Royal Decrees Must Yield to Village Norms 
Years of the Pigs 
Plain of Jars University 
Hugging China 
Sick Days, Market Crash and Shut Borders 
America Arrested 
Coronavirus Bondage 
Coronavirus Crisis as a Turning Point 
Heritage is Home 
Red Redux? 
Next Month in Jerusalem! 
Unmatched Cairo 
Buzzed Cairo, Wrecked Alexandria and a Third-Class Train Ride 
Juden Über Alles! 
Librazhd, Paradise on Earth 
Heavenly, Hellish Cape Town 
No Country for White Pussies 
Big in Africa 
Kom Binnen En Leer 
Mass Death Ahead 
Mislabeling, Misthinking, Misanalysis, Sure Death 
Misses Universe, Jewjabs and Baked Cactus 
Dirt Surf Into Life 
Bangkok's Death Cafe 
Last Town To Nowhere 
Buy, Sell, Beg, Eat, Drink, Look 
Heavens, Hells and the Bodhidharma 
Normality is Home 
Purgatory Lost 
Eating Wind in Jakarta as Jesus Vomits 
Muslims More Christian than Christians? 
Brave New Reset 

My pitch at Amazon, “A chronicler of the banal, I was just soaking up glorious normality in Luang Prabang, Laos, when Covid struck. Thinking it was just some freakish, short-term phenomenon, I chased it to the Chinese border, then South Korea. Locked out of Vietnam, I had to keep moving, however, so ended up in Serbia, Lebanon, Egypt, Albania, South Africa and Namibia, etc. Written from three continents, this book records life during this most extraordinary time, with reflections on Covid, the Great Reset, Jewjabs and our ominous future.”


"Inevitably degeneration had followed contact with the West, and the invasion and subsequent colonisation by the French; yet much of the charm and the grandeur of the past had survived in these countries, protected by their remoteness and the dense rainforests and mountain ranges covering half their area."--Norman Lewis in Dragon Apparent (1953)

"Captain Cook and his men introduced the first flu, tuberculosis and syphilis pathogens to Hawaii. Subsequent European visitors added typhoid and smallpox. By 1853, only 70,000 survivors remained in Hawaii."--Yuval Noah Harari in Homo Deus (2017)

"If just one word had to distil the essence of the 21st century, it would have to be 'interdependence'."--Klaus Schwab in The Great Reset (2021)


All floridly unequivocal praise is due to Allah, Lord of the Universes, and to his faithful Servant and Prophet, Mohammed, and may Israel, that abomination, smudge and curse upon mankind, be neatly erased with no trace left behind, so the rest of us can peacefully go on with our tedious and humbling labor, all while being soothed and titilated by the certain knowledge that, just around the blind curve, there’s our just reward of 72 pristine babes well stacked with full-grown, swollen and pear-shaped breasts, though some may prefer the less-developed, but to each his own. As for the ladies, just replace “babes” with “hunks,” and “breasts” with “members.”

Five of ten photos from book:

[Ea Kly, Vietnam on 8/23/19]
[Seoul, South Korea on 2/29/20]
[Belgrade, Serbia on 9/22/20]
[Cape Town, South Africa on 8/12/21]
[Klos, Albania on 6/6/21]


Anonymous said...

Yo,Linh! Hope all is well, like a hot dog and porter at McGlinchey's. Do you have, like, 5 new books of essays?

Be well,
Philly Joe Scrapple

Linh Dinh said...

Yo Joe,

I haven't heard from your sorry ass for so long, I thought you might have gone to visit Frank Rizzo!

I just published my complete poetry, two books of interviews of Joe and Jane Sixpacks, and four collections of essays, so nearly 2,000 pages.

For your own good, you must buy them all!
