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Monday, March 11, 2024

Henry Herskovitz' Report on Beth Israel vigil 03-09-24


Jews as Controlled Opposition

Please consider: Jews control the Jewish state. There should be no argument against that statement. But what’s telling is how Jews also control the *opposition* to the Jewish state. Witness for Peace has recognized this “playing both sides of the fence” game for quite some time, but it’s instructive to watch it in action.

On Sunday, February 25, WfP revved up the taxi squad and traveled to Dearborn, Michigan to protest a “unity” call for “cease-fire” in Gaza. From their flyer: “Join us in bringing together Arab and Muslim, Latino and Jewish communities … to demand a ‘Ceasefire in Palestine.’”. WfP sees a call for “cease fire” as deceptive; it will not solve the problem of a Jewish supremacist state wreaking culturicide in Palestine. Our presentation to Ann Arbor City Council of January 11 expands on this topic.

Jewish Voice for Peace is Challenged

The signs we held to protest this tepid call for unity and ceasefire were “Jews Bomb Hospitals” and “Six Million, Really?”, a truthful statement and a pertinent question. Marching up to confront us was a young member of Jewish Voice for Peace. She was certainly not a follower of Malcolm X. Malcolm realized that anti-Black racism began in the White community, and white activists bore the burden of holding their white community accountable.

But not JVP members. Rather than hold their Jewish community accountable for anti-Palestinian racism, these Jews serve only to protect the Jewish community from criticism. Watch this young woman’s reaction to the charge that JVP is a Zionist organization here. Like all good students of Jewish Hasbara, she fled the scene when it became obvious she didn’t know enough to win the argument.

Jesse Owens and Ann Arbor City Council

At every Council meeting, Mayor Chris Taylor explains that Public Commentary is time set aside for citizens to speak about matters of municipal interest. WfP feels that, since the Michigan Legislature has mandated the teaching of the Holocaust at high schools, Ann Arbor students need to be able to separate truth from mis- or dis-information. Towards that goal, we addressed Council on February 20 to inform them that Black sprinter Jesse Owens was respected by Adolf Hitler and the German people at the 1936 Olympics  in Berlin, contrary to the notion that the Chancellor “snubbed” this fine athlete. View the presentation here and the text of speech follows signature.

Foul-mouthed Hater of Free Speech

On March 2, we were verbally accosted by an angry young man, who attempts to remove one of our signs. Fortunately, an Ann Arbor policeman was driving by and turned his vehicle around to lend assistance. Another tip o’ the hat to Ann Arbor’s finest. See video here

Another Day at the Office



27-Jan    35-5
3-Feb     24-8
10-Feb   23-3
17-Feb   31-2
24-Feb   27-9
2-Mar    21-6
9-Mar    27-6

Henry Herskovitz
Witness for Peace
Victory to Hamas!
Comments? https://zionistsout.blogspot.com/2024/03/report-on-beth-israel-vigil-03-09-24.html


February 20, 2024 [359 words]

Topic: Holocaust Education in Ann Arbor Public Schools

Good evening,

Since February has been designated Black History Month, Ann Arbor students might be taught about Olympic gold medalist Jesse Owens. Jesse competed in the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, despite efforts by the American Jewish Congress and the Jewish Labor Committee to change the location to some other venue.

The most often repeated story from that competition is that Adolf Hitler refused to shake the hand of Owens after he had run a race. The headline in the New York Times read “Hitler ignores Negro medalists”. The black-owned Cleveland newspaper Call and Post ran their own headline: “Hitler snubs Jesse”. The Baltimore Afro-American wrote: “Adolf snubs U.S. lads”

In his book The Myth of German Villainy, author Benton Bradberry sets the record straight for us, writing about these headlines: “These were deliberate lies. Nothing of the kind had happened”

The real story was that Hitler was told by the chairman of the International Olympic Committee that he had violated Olympic protocols by shaking hands with German athlete Hans Wollke and receiving other athletes – both German and non-German – in his VIP booth the day before. So that day, in compliance with the protocols, he shook nobody’s hand, including Jesse Owens

From the book The Jesse Owens Story, Jesse is quoted as saying “When I passed the Chancellor, he arose, waved his hand at me, and I waved back at him. I think the writers showed bad taste in criticizing the man of the hour in Germany” end quote.

And far from being snubbed by Germany’s white population, author Richard Mandell also helps set the record straight. He writes in his book The Nazi Olympics: “Once at the stadium, the mere appearance of Jesse Owens’ head from some pit below the stands would cause sections of the crowd to break out in chants of ‘Yes-sa Ov-enss! Yes-sa Ovenss!’”

The real snubbing of Jesse Owens came at the hands of Franklin Roosevelt, who was running for re-election and refused to receive Jesse at the White House, because Roosevelt thought the reaction from southern states would harm his chances of victory.

The job of the historical revisionist is to set the record straight

Thank you,





swiss reader said...

I remember photographs of Jesse Owens being enthusiastically crowded for autographs by young Germans.

Anonymous said...

I remember being taught that Germans burned books. Later I discovered they were burning porn.