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Friday, July 12, 2024

Man with David's portrait of Napoleon on shirt on 7-8-24--Con Dao copy

1 comment:

swiss reader said...

Nice shirt.
A recent Hollywood movie portrayed Napoleon as a fool.Could that be because he had said,`The Jews are the master robbers of the modern age`?

From the book `London Money Power`,L.B.Woolfolk,1890:
`During the ten years, 1854 to 1864, the Rothschilds furnished in loans, $200,000,000 to England, $50,000,000 to Austria, $40,000,000 to Prussia, $130,000,000 to France, $50,000,000 to Russia, $12,000,000 to Brazil, in all $482,000,000.This, besides many millions loaned to small states`