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Friday, March 6, 2015


Zionist Spring candidate--Washington

Zionist Spring candidate--Washington (detail)

12:22AM on 3/3/15. As I was photographing this, a Middle Eastern cab driver actually stopped and got out of his taxi. After giving me a baffled look, he said, "AIPAC. They were here at the Convention Center," and he pointed to it.

This Zionist Spring flyer was in the shadow of the Mt. Vernon Place United Methodist Church, a block away from the Convention Center where Netanyahu had given his speech.


1 comment:

x larry said...

'will become a free people'... at just whose expense? to be rich, lots must be poor. why not concern your young politically minded ass with the great misery of many billions in this world? why not take a vow of poverty, live in the truest ghettos, work in shelters, volunteer in soup kitchens, stand up for the oppressed, take videos for copwatch......?