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Saturday, October 10, 2015


Deutschland, du mieses Stuck ScheiSe--Leipzig

"Germany, you lousy Piece of Shit!"



x larry said...

from the photos so far it seems the germans hate themselves, americans and much else in the modern world. presumably there are more positive types and sights in leipzig too--perhaps some fresh faced saint pauli girl types. or less cynical types who enjoy life a bit more? is it more or less just the younger generation that is so hateful and cynical?
thank you

Linh Dinh said...

Hi x larry,

I haven't been here two weeks, so I can't say much, but walking at least 10 miles today, I saw so much graffiti, some on brand new, gorgeous buildings, that I thought, There is a lot of anger and frustration here, if not a collective self-hatred. Why else would you deface your own city like this?


x larry said...

thanks linh.
i suppose you start teaching tomorrow? is it creative writing? wish i could be in class with you!

Linh Dinh said...

Yo x larry,

On the streets, the body language of the people, young and old, does not betray hatred or frustration, however. People are relaxed and friendly. Last week, Olliver and I had coffee at a serene eatery inside a park and it was so calming to see families just relaxing. There was no music, just talking. Years ago, I sat in a quiet beer garden in Berlin with my friend, poet Nguyen Quoc Chanh, and we were like, This is perfect.

Many Americans go out of their way to exude toughness, so the Germans, by comparison, are much more relaxed and, yes, gentle. During my two years in Italy, I found the teens there so much more innocent and relaxed compared to ours. They didn't try to come off as ready to kick your ass.
