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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A Letter from Germany

As published at Unz Review, CounterCurrents, Intrepid Report and LewRockwell, 7/20/16:

A friend in Frankfurt emailed me on July 19th:

It is sheer madness what is happening here… The noose is tightening and yet—it is still only the beginning… What took place in some dull regional express close to Würzburg, a town in Franconia in the middle of Germany, was—in some respect—like a watershed event—just like the mass sexual assaults in Cologne on New Year’s Eve.

The mantra from above is still “Islam belongs to Germany” or “We will make it (in regards to the Refugee Crisis)” but there are fewer and fewer people buying it—which does NOT mean that more people are getting it—but I will come to this later.

We now know that in Cologne alone (!) there were about 1,200 women (in one night) sexually harassed, abused and, in some cases, raped.

At the moment there is no weekend when there aren’t news about some refugees sexually harassing women or girls at a festival (it is festival season).

Also, you can find news about refugees harassing women and children (and sometimes raping them) in public swimming pools on a weekly or even daily basis.

Sales of pepper sprays and guns are booming everywhere. If there were only these things, the rage might be controllable, but Würzburg was of a different quality. For the first time, a refugee didn’t kill another refugee (when this happened before, Neo-Nazis were blamed, then—just as was the case with most of the “burning refugee centers”—the police later found that a refugee was responsible).

When children were robbed by refugees, Germans were told to send their children to school by a different route.

Germans were told to stop swimming nude in a lake—because a refugee center was erected nearby.

Last year, Germans were told the refugees would contribute so mightily and extraordinarily to the German economy—so what have been the news recently?

Well—the big German corporations, the 30 members of the DAX (the stock market index), that so proudly announced last year they would hire lots of refugees—they have indeed hired refugees. Fifty-four, to be exact (50 of them went to the Deutsche Post, as mailmen. Ah—if Charles Bukowski only knew…). :-)

Only recently, a branch of the German Arbeitsagentur (the office for the unemployed) in Dortmund had another success story:

This branch was created last year and staffed with 36 employees (all paid with tax money) with the sole purpose of bringing 2,200 refugees in Dortmund, those who were able to work, into the workforce.

And the news was: After nine months of intensive work the Arbeitsagentur has succeeded to get … ten (!) refugees working! Hurrah! Well, they had the decency to add that it’s only a start—but an encouraging one.

The list is endless…. but to come back to the incident in Würzburg:

A refugee, supposedly from Afghanistan and 17-years-old, decided to start his own jihad and tried to take out a few infidels. Oddly enough, he started with a family from Hong Kong on the train, whom he attacked with the brave shout “Allah akbar” and a knife and an axe. After severely wounding two of them, he jumped off the train.

(I wonder if this will boost tourism from Hong Kong).

Then he met some old ladies who were walking their little dogs and with the shout “I will kill you, sluts!” he also wounded one (perhaps fatally) before being shot by the police.

Now—as I said, THIS is a new quality.

I can almost feel the anger and rage in Germany getting stronger.

The rage in some refugees is also rising, which is logical.

There are no jobs for them.

There are no houses for them.

There are no women for them.

So—jihad is an option, if you are bored and all these kuffar give you nothing but €352 a month, or less, and you have to sleep with six others in a tightly packed room—and there is just nothing to do!

And you wander around and there are all those women in shorts, etc.—but they are not for you.

No wonder, some get frustrated.

Slowly, silently, the German police admits there might be a teensy-weensy bit of a problem here—mind you, we still don’t know the whereabouts of between 150 to 500 thousand refugees who just disappeared…

Nobody knows how many jihadists are here. Nobody. Could be a few dozen. Or hundreds. Or thousands.

This young man on the Würzburg train came last July. He was granted asylum this March. The last two months, he lived with a family. He had a job (or was in training, rather) at a bakery. There were no signs of radicalization. Soooo…….

The media is busy telling us: Well… he radicalized himself only days before the attack. I wonder if they realize this message is not quite reassuring...

So the gap is rising ever more. Everybody has some story to tell:

My brother lives in Munich. Last year, his wife was very pro-refugee. In a neighboring suburb a few weeks ago, a woman heard the doorbell at 10PM. Assuming it was a friend (this is Bavarian bourgeoisie, so they’ve always felt safe, at least until recently…), she opened the door—and was greeted (and then raped) by two refugees. That made my brother’s wife rethink (they have two small children).

My sister in Münster has armed herself with pepper spray.

Colleagues don’t let their children go alone to school anymore, because there are refugees nearby.

A guy in East Germany tells me people are secretly arming themselves.

Hate grows, as does mistrust and anxiety. Some weeks ago in Hanover, a young Muslim girl (15-years-old) rammed a knife into the throat of a female policeman (who was just standing there—the attack came out of nowhere).

Then people hear about public swimming pools, about festivals—they hear about the same things in Sweden—then what happened in France—Nice, or the policeman and his wife who were stabbed to death in Magnanville (while their 3-year-old-son was watching).

The latest incident was a woman in France who got stabbed by a guy from Morocco—they had quarreled because the Moroccan guy thought the woman’s daughters were not properly dressed—so he stabbed her and her three daughters, the youngest only eight-years-old. And so on, and so on…

Now—of course, there are also Germans doing nasty things—murdering, raping etc. But these things have a new quality to them.

For many year the statistics of the German police had shown that migrants are waaaay overrepresented in crime—rapes, robberies, burglaries, violence etc. The rates for migrants were everywhere double or triple those for the general population (and the funny thing is, the gap would have been even wider if Germans with a migrant background—Turks who have German passports, etc.—were included. Of course, this was not done (it would be racist, you know).

And the blame was and is still on the Germans—that they didn’t provide enough opportunities for integration towards the poor Muslim migrants (funnily enough, we don’t have these problems with Vietnamese or Hindu migrants… but again, these are racist thoughts…).

So the migrants were and are told that it is the Germans’ fault if they don’t get a job. Some of them believe it. Also, some or even many seem to believe that Germans are a bunch of racist swine.

I once met a Greek woman who complained loudly to me that Germans were so racist. I asked her what her experiences were—and she said that a friend of her had been approached by a German on a train and that he (hacked her to death? No, not quite) had said to her: there are too many of you in Germany.

Wasn’t that racism?

I asked if her children were ever harassed by Turkish children in school (Turks and Greeks don’t get along too well)—yes, of course—Turkish children had harassed and even beaten up her boys.

Now Linh—the really funny thing was, it didn’t occur to her that this was more racist (that her boys were beaten up by Turks just because they were Greeks) than the incident on the train.

Racism was something only Germans showed.

I heard similar things from others.

So all in all—a perfect example of mind manipulation.

AND this also shows now so brilliantly—because—as I said, the mood gets worse (just on the eve of the next financial crisis—perfect timing)—even in the German leftist newspaper Die Zeit (absolutely pro-refugee) you now find commentaries from people who say that they have just had enough of this lousy leftist whining…

Because again, we are told from German politicians about the incident in Würzburg that

1. This had nothing to do with Islam or the refugee crisis

2. That the police shouldn’t have killed the poor axe-wielding boy (German police officers are rather reluctant to use their guns, but if someone runs towards them with an axe, I think it is understandable that they shoot)

3. That the young man radicalized himself just recently—and therefore that

4. It was no sign of a strengthening of ISIS in Germany etc.

My father remembers the 70s (I don’t—too young) when 40 members of the Rote Armee Fraktion RAF (the left terror group of Baader Meinhof and the likes) were able to hold German society in fear and sometimes in a state close to hysteria. Now—with… 100? 1000? ISIS members—you can imagine how the mood will change when ISIS does its first crucifixion here…).

All the more, since some gruesome details from the Paris attacks are now leaking out—that the terrorists at the Paris discotheque in November 2015 not only killed the young folks there… but they tore off limbs, cut off genitals, stuffed them in the mouths of the men, cut out eyes etc… Ah—a holy war excuses everything—even becoming a monster, it seems.

But to come to the point: As I said, Germans are getting more and more fed up with the official litany—BUT: They don’t see the real picture. They still believe that the ones who created this situation will be the ones who will deliver the solution! That is the sad part of it.

All these things will be used as an excuse to install the perfect police state (and it will be perfect). We need to protect you from terrorists—so give us your freedom, open your bank account, let us abolish money and install a digital currency, accept new taxes (and ghettos in your cities). Work harder and for less money, consume and be a good citizen—and most importantly: Have fear! Always have fear!

Now—I don’t want to leave with the impression that all refugees are just no-goods—criminals, murderers etc. They are not. The vast majority are normal people who just want to lead a normal life—and not one that is forced upon them while their countries are demolished, raped and plundered by the West (that is, the US of A).

BUT—they are just tools in a game. Pawns. Just as we are.

And this leads to no good if the circumstances here resemble Iraq’s. Or just Kenya. And that is the direction we are headed. People with totally different cultural and ideological roots from ours will cling with force to what they know. If they are encouraged to do so (and they are). Assimilation is a crime against humanity, as a Turkish politician once said (who recently had a tough time because some of his generals wanted to get rid of him). So they stay with their own folks. No integration. No assimilation. But ghettos—their mindset becomes even more rigid—some of them will start to despise the majority, whom they don’t understand and don’t want to understand—and sometimes they will commit violence against the hated or despised kuffar (who have no decency—no respect etc.).

I mean—it is funny—in all German travel guides—when it comes to Muslim countries, you find things like: If you are a woman, don’t wear a skirt! Under no circumstances be topless on a beach! Don’t look men in the eye—it is an invitation to sex! Etc. Are the ones who wrote this only hardcore racists? And now hundreds of thousands of people from these countries come here—what do we expect? They mistake our hospitality for weakness. And they (some of them at least) will turn to extremism.

A famous German journalist (one of the old school—Peter Scholl-Latour) once said prophetically: If you let Calcutta come here, you change this to Calcutta.

And he was right. A minority of the refugees consists of terrorists, murderers, rapists etc. They could only come here because the borders were kept open. Just on the eve of the Greater Depression (with all the distrust between the various groups and subgroups), they will make sure that German citizens will fight among themselves in countless battles and skirmishes.

Germans against migrants, Turks against Kurds, Sunni against Shia, Yazidis against Salafists etc. The rich will have their gated communities, the rest will have to deal with a much tougher life in ghettos and suburbs. And life will still go on… I was once in Nigeria. Though you can make money and do business there, life is not too pleasant for the majority of Nigerians…

That is where we are headed. German society will be so fragmented and there will be such turmoil and violence, the majority will accept every solution from above…

Still—if in the end it all plays out as planned—I don’t know. There still is something called destiny. And this may be—in the end—the stronger factor. Even against those in the shadows.

In the meantime, we have to carry on with our normal life. And try to stay human. That is a tough thing to do, these days—but it is possible.

And will remain possible.



LJansen said...

Hi, Linh. I like the optimism at the end. But the whole mess reminds me why I often think it'll be better after Mother Nature shakes us off--a natural intifada. We humans can't seem to find a way to live up to our billing. Time to reset. Linda

Ian Keenan said...

Certainly there are elites playing divide and conquer, promoting a police state, and profiting from weapons trading and Middle Eastern oil. But the refugee crisis from Obama - Clinton's wars and hijacked revolutions in Middle East / North Africa is dismantling the global financial order of trade agreements negotiated in secret where corporations can sue sovereign nations for lost profits if they give them any trouble on environmental or labor issues. Le Pen has always been a Euroskeptic and Brexit wouldn't have been a close vote but for older, anti-immigration Brits. Trump has taken anti-immigration talk to a new level and blown away the Republican establishment, all while talking against NATO, TPP, and NAFTA. It turns out also that none of this seems to trouble the financial markets.

Ali said...

Given how completely horrible some of these refugees are with their twisted thinking, which must have been informed by their respective cultures, any idea what should have been done or should be done?

1) Physically prevent Muslim refugees from coming into the country and deport refugees if they do enter illegally?

2) A highly-controlled internment camp located in a remote place to keep any accepted Muslim refugees?

What is it that should have been done to begin with and moving forward, how can this evil caused by Muslim refugees be controlled? I ask with strict curiosity and discipline.

The following I say with highly abstract anger not directed at anyone: maybe we really shouldn't give a shit about oppressed Muslim people, because they have a fucked up culture. If they were relocated to anywhere civilized, they will rape and kill people, as can be seen countless of times.

Ali said...

In case people misunderstand me, I'm no longer a Muslim but I have sympathy for them. I just find the evils committed by the Muslim refugees as intolerable as the daily bombings and oppression and killing by the establishment. Civilians die there killed by bombs, terrorist attacks happen in Baghdad, and there's no "Pray for Iraq". In a recent tweet, Murtaza Hussain said:

"Handful of bombing or shooting attacks in the West & many ready to elect extremists, imagine the effect of years of massacres in Iraq/Syria."

But all these is abstract. If I were a woman who got raped while answering the door by two Muslim refugees, I would be livid and I would hate them. Even if the Syrian whose house and friends got bombed to bits had an anger against a random white person, two evils does not make a right.

So again, what do we do now? Deport them back to Syria and just let them fend for themselves?

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Ali,

When I was teaching in Leipzig, I kept emphasizing that the main problem was the West attacking Muslim countries all these years. You solve the refugee problem by not generating refugees. The German kids couldn't respond to this.

The US and Israel have orchestrated the destruction of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Lebanon.

Last year, I answered a Palestinian interviewer, "Working in tandem, the US and Israel have collapsed several Muslim governments and generated millions of refugees. The same fate awaits Israel, though its dissolution should be permanent, for only then will peace come."

In March, I wrote, "Israel is a horrible concept criminally maintained by a deluge of American tax dollars, plus rivers of blood, much of it Muslim but also American. Defending this most hated state, the U.S. has also become a pariah. Under Israel’s manipulation, the United States hasn’t just systematically destroyed one Muslim country after another, it has wrecked its own honor, reputation, present and future."

For decades now, the world has been dealing with a US/Israel problem. Until one deals with this, there will always be millions of Muslim refugees.

American progressives and liberals who support Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders do not confront this US/Israel axis of evil. You don't deal with the Muslim refugee problem by destroying Muslim countries, killing millions of them, then resettle a fraction in the West.


Linh Dinh said...

In other words, resettlement of Muslims in the West is not a solution to this serial destruction of Muslim countries.

This is not to deny that Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are also behind the war against Syria. Muslims also attack other Muslims. Without American involvement, however, the war against Syria would be considerably weaker and may not have even started.

Linh Dinh said...

American volunteer Shellie Corman wrote from the Greek island of Kastellorizo on 3/3/16:

Last night, there were heavy rains and since there is no sleeping area, many refugees were soaked in the morning. The UNHCR had handed out sleeping bags and blankets, but they were all soaking wet. We went to the old fish market where some of them had slept and began a cleanup. Luckily, the sun came out, so we, with the help of a few refugees, hung out all the blankets and sleeping bags to dry. Two of the men were really helpful and we asked them, with the help of a translator, to join us for dinner. There were 2 couples, one of them with a young boy of about 9 always smiling, and another couple with a few-months-old baby. One of the women said something in Arabic about Syria and began crying and we hugged and both cried over the horrible situation they find themselves in.

After hanging out the wet things, we the volunteers, all embarked on a garbage cleanup. A few of us went to the police station, where all the arrivals must register and from what I have heard, many of them are sleeping there. They are almost all willing to help clean up their area as long as we ask, and provide large garbage bags. The rest of us went to one of the bays and collected life jackets and wet clothes left behind as well as garbage. It seems like a good idea for the locals to see us and the refugees trying to help clean their island.

Tonight, the families came for dinner and it was a really warm and wonderful evening. They were so appreciative and we laughed a lot and I think they knew that we really could sympathize with their terrible predicament.

We got the news tonight that all the European borders are all closed. Many of the refugees are arriving here with no knowledge of what is happening in Europe. The group that arrived yesterday had been waiting for 3 days in the woods in Kaş, Turkey, no food or water, and some of them were totally traumatized by the time they arrived. Then, they hear the news from volunteers that they cannot even get to Athens much less Germany, or Sweden or wherever they think they are going to start their new lives. One Palestinian Syrian family said that if they had known how difficult the trip was going to be, they would have stayed in Aleppo. No one seems to know anything about what to do, where to go, or how to go about it. Some of them even think that when they get here, they are already in Athens or Germany. Then there are the Afghanis, Pakistanis, Moroccans, and anyone else that is considered an 'economic migrant' who are totally screwed because nobody wants them and many of them are unaware of that until we tell them. It is heartbreaking to see their expressions when they are told that only Syrians and Iraqis are able to get through the borders and that they will be either arrested or sent back home. They have paid a fortune to smugglers and risked drowning at sea to get this far. I wish that somehow there was a way to get this information to them before they set off from home, or at the very least, from Turkey.

Final notes from today. . . . I exchanged whatsapp messages with one of the men from the group that came for dinner. I sent the photo below of the group to him and the message he sent back, translated by Karam, my lovely Syrian friend who made it to Belgium, was "Thank you so much. People like you made us feel that life is still okay." This is the reason I came here. Just to show a bit of human kindness and caring. It means a lot for me and I think for them.


Ian Keenan said...

In NYC there was an photography show this Spring at Pace Macgill by former Macarthur fellow Fazal Sheikh called Nakhba/ Independence which put photos of Palestinians over Israelis of the same age.

images of the show


press release


Two weeks before the show opened, the Metro Transit Authority, which allowed Pamela Geller's “Yesterday’s moderate is today’s headline,” and “Islamic Jew-Hatred: It’s in the Quran” signs to run in the subway, released photos of 32 Americans with the same background and stare forward into the camera in an "If you see something say something" ad, featuring ordinary multicultural Americans who are helping out against terrorism in public places.


There are no Muslims in the ad, identified by dress or obvious facial features, though two or three older women may possibly be Turks or some other Muslim ethnicity in Western dress. It appears that one is copying another and of course Sheikh wouldn't be copying a transit authority campaign, which would illustrate how the focus on terror threats is superimposed over the issues Sheikh is raising.

Anonymous said...



I don't think there's need for a link to the Washington Post..

Anonymous said...

Hey Ian, who says free speech can't be irresponsible? Therefore, in New York, these ads you mention haven't been equated with shouting fire in a crowded movie theater, because no one's bothering to assess certain provocations. It's not pornography right? Not that these ads would motivate anyone to suddenly erupt in a rage and shout "God is great" while swinging an axe, or use their military training like Charles Whitman and many others before and after. Thus, the thoughtful messaging is permitted by decree, and a bit more subtle where it counts.

So, being a snitch in America requires that we discriminate between what we're supposed to see and then what we're supposed to say. Pamella Geller, etc and the main stream provocation help "us" decide where the target might be, to get 'er done.

In the 80s, I like to think, it was easy to see the housewife who took her evening news too seriously. The big city was deadly, you'd get shot by pot addicts, it's a city under siege, the cops really gotta and you gotta...etc! Sure, there were and are bad things. Let's take 'em seriously, but don't be fooled by a media with its own ideas for sale - as hard as it is to see without proper context. What they don't report, and what we don't read on-line we need to know, or we're going to be fooled.

I know someone in Stuggart, she hasn't been raped yet by the ISIS, although she might not tell me. Seriously though, too bad about Germany and the things going on, it was, and maybe still is, far superior in arrangement, or quality of lives compared to some of the American versions.

Ian Keenan said...

JB Sr, There was an incident in 2012 after the ads ran of a deranged woman pushing a Hindu man into a moving train and telling police "“I pushed a Muslim off the train tracks because I hate Hindus and Muslims ever since 2001 when they put down the twin towers. I’ve been beating them up,”"

LJansen said...

Linh's thought that the brutal ripping apart of these countries by USA/NATO/Israel axis of evil is the root problem here is so correct. It's common sense.

Would anyone in their right mind uproot themselves and their families on a treacherous journey if they didn't feel there was a good reason (like life-threatening violence) to do so? That is humanity -- the recognition of that at bottom we are all the same in that and other ways.

I'm on a list of a well-known left author who has absolutely lost it on this issue. Even though he has documented case after case of U.S. and Western barbarity in the Middle East, he thinks we must now go into mosques and Islamic schools and spy on Muslims to find out who might be a "radical."

I responded with a question to him: would you go into the synagogues of Israel and spy on the extremists there who have advocated murder of Palestinians (and actually carried it out) for years on end. Israel's caliphate is much more advanced than that of ISIS but no one thinks of challenging it with words, let alone bombing the crap out of it.

Power is being wielded against all of us, but some are closer to the cutting edge.

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Linda,

Who is this author? Has he stated his position in article?


LJansen said...

Hi, Linh. It's Bill Blum. I will forward you the email from his list. L

(His book was the one "recommended" by Osama Bin Laden -- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4636742.stm)

Anonymous said...

To my old eyes the letter from the German brought memories of reading old yellowing pre-war letters sent by German Nazi members of my family to my American (Republican!) grandmother. Not so severe, but very similar in tonal implications.

Optimism is good. So is saying the bald truth. You know what's going to happen....
Except that there's always the possibility of outside events. No one can say what groups will prevail, and what groups will suffer, but you know what's going to happen.Think Schlacht im Teutoburger Wald.

Honestly it's W3 and part of the fighting is starting up in the "German Theater of Operations", as the military might put it.

Because it a minor theater, outside events from unexpected sources may be expected - and they may change the outcome.

Don't bet on it though.

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Anonymous,

I discuss the erosion of Germany nationalism in "Germany Against Itself," "Flagless Germany", "Germany to Introduce Comfort Women" and "Black and Blonde."
