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Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Bernie supporters on 7-25-16--South Broad 8



Anonymous said...

"Racism is the disease, revolution is the cure."

Why does the choice, in the life course of societies, have to come to be between the delirium of envy (for the low-IQ) and the delirium of power (for the high-IQ)?

Someone who cared for humans wrote beauty was what would save the world.
A century later, someone else who cared for humans wrote shame was what would save the world.

And what? Humans know no beauty, no shame.
Only with the help of Gods they can escape perdition.

You say Gods are invented?
Then what? How would inventions be less "real" than "reality"?

Anonymous said...

Computers, airplanes, good novels, improve our life, thus we (the most intelligent of us, not the envy-mad mobs who love to use them and hate who makes them) invented them. And then we, all of us, believe in them, firmly.

Imagine if somebody told us "computers don't exist", because they are inventions and products of ours!

Then why did we stop producing Gods and believe in them, while they are incommensurably more needed and helpful for our life than all other devices?
Our pride made us unwilling to recognize some of our needs, the most essential? That is that.