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Sunday, November 13, 2022


Abysmally stupid and arrogant, Biden's the perfect embodiment of American culture. Nauseated, the world can hardly laugh.

Unz commenter on 1/27/21 after one of my articles, "The US is falling apart and the world is in a shambles. Why do we need to know about some gook’s travels around the world?" The US is falling apart because it has long descended into barbarity.


Ron said...

"The US is falling apart and the world is in a shambles. Why do we need to know about some gook’s travels around the world?"

Typical ignorant American world view. America is falling apart BUT there are many parts of the World, enslaved by Uni-Polar financial hegemony to remain "developing", not in shambles. In these places, people can only look upwards (aware or unaware) because the USA is finally collapsing due to rampant corruption, mismanagement (except for the 1%) and Russia (new Multi-Polar World). When "new Rome" falls, everyone is free to walk out of their cave and choose which path to take (uni-polar vs multi-polar). We need "gooks" to travel the World to show the ignorant what reality outside America looks like.

Franz said...

Never pay attention to commenters at Unz.

Paul Craig Roberts made the same mistake -- he had maybe 3, 4 good commenters who fed him ideas and led him to fresh material. But he kept paying attention to the dolts, even after I told him these are Professional Disrupters who get paid to keep the audience for true dissenters small.

So it is that both PCR and Linh Dinh are playing the other man's game. Learn not too. It's pretty easy.

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Franz,

I paid close attention to Ron Unz, and found him to be a fraud.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Linh. I became “Greta Handel” at The Unz Review after being (pointlessly) “nudged” by Mr. Unz out of pseudonymity in order to submit more than a very limited number of comments. I miss your contributions there (I long ago lost count of how many times I’ve reposted there your 2016 prescient “Orlando Shooting” article about the diversionary Donald Trump) but have been keeping up with your work here.

Your take on Mr. Unz had seemed odd to me until he recently “trashed” some of my comments under one of his perpetually recycled COVID pieces. One of my comments was a refutation of his personalized disparagement of my comments there. They speak for themselves, but the cowardice is something that you deserved to know about.

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Greta Handel,

I concluded he was a fraud because there's no way he could be ignorant of what Klaus Schwab, Bourla, Walensky and Gates were up to. His constant stoking of white racism at Unz is also classic Jewish divide and rule. He labeled him the Jerry Springer of the alternative media. My role was to provoke all the white idiots, I finally realized.

The purpose of Unz is to steer the conversation away from the Great Reset and the genocidal "vaccine." By dangling fake Trump or DeSantis as hope and getting white idiots to become constantly enraged about black crime, Unz keeps them busy, and he wants them to hurl racial insults left and right to conform to the Jewish caricature of the stupid white.

Black crime is a serious problem, and I've written about it, but who enable the worst black behaviors? Notice how Sailer or "the Derb" stays clear of the Jewish angle.

Unz Review is also there to harvest the identities of trouble makers.
