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Sunday, December 25, 2022


Dr John Campbell's "Vaccine Hesitancy and Risk of a Traffic Crash."


Ron said...

Many knowledgeable people have explained and written why people get sick and die (Terrain Theory). The main point people should get clear is if you eat or surround yourself with "toxins", this will make you sick or kill you. The body requires "Nutrition" to sustain and repair itself. Anything that is NOT "nutritious" is useless, thus by default can harm your body. Look at what people buy, eat and drink. Look at the labels. Most things are chemicals (toxic) and not nutritious (real food). Americans are dying because the majority don't eat real food and ingest toxins (Pharma drugs are man-made chemicals). Every Government Agency and Educational Institution has been corrupted. Do your own research and use "common sense". Nature is your Bible. Remember, alcohol is a toxin so having even one beer is ingesting a toxic substance. And people wonder why people are dying. It's NOT a virus.....there is no such thing.


Troy Skaggs said...

My Dad tested positive for COVID today after being triple vaccinated and boosted just last week. He's a true believer. He had a minor stroke last year after a lifetime of robust health. The young doctor said that he didn't fit most pre stroke criteria. Of course the vaccines were never mentioned. I've been through the stages of grief over this and know better than to say shit anymore, the dissonance is such. Love him regardless, he's actually extremely intelligent but refuses to question anything that NPR (damn them) reports.
I'm unvaccinated, take regular doses of vitamins C and D, zinc, Quercetin and NAC. Have yet to test positive. In the minds of the Covidians I've simply been spared by their Gods. Simply keep living, keep living, keep living folks. It's all we can do.

Ron said...

Troy Skaggs: Covid tests mean nothing...they don't test for a virus because there is no such thing as a virus:


Troy Skaggs said...

Yes, I thought about that after leaving the comment. Unfortunately, a dubious positive PCR test means my Dad won't allow himself near anyone until he gets over what used to be called the "sniffles". Thank you for the link Ron. I knew nothing of "terrain theory" until two years ago. It makes sense.