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Friday, October 13, 2023

Hotel receptionist with his JESUS' MOBILE on 10-11-23--Kracheh copy

My hotel receptionist with his "JESUS' MOBILE" at 5:05AM two days ago. Today at around 6:30AM, so 10 minutes from now, I'll get on that fine vehicle to go to his village.

When I was walking miles through Cape Town two years ago, and no foreigner does it, I realized I was foolish, if not insane, to write for Unzian morons. An unappreciative and disruptive audience warps your thinking.


mago said...

It’s late in the day, and it ain’t gonna happen, but you’d be doing yourself a favor to learn about food and how to cook for yourself. Beer’s not your problem, it’s your diet. Just saying as a natural foods chef with five decades under his belt.
Do what you want to do and go where you want to go.
The world’s on fire, and nothing I say is going to change it.
However, actions count and have consequences.
Nihilism is a dead end and self defeating street.

Ron said...

Agree with Mago's advice. Food is medicine....and it is the only medicine the body needs. Beer is alcohol so still a toxin but a healthy liver can manage. I've mentioned it before when you were ill. If you are lazy to cook, find "traditional" homemade Pho; the kind grandma spent days making. Broth with ingredients (i.e. raw beef, bean sprouts, basil, lime etc..) correctly served, it is Vietnamese super food.