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Saturday, December 9, 2023

Vietnamese translation of a Chinese book on Covid at Friendly Library on 12-9-23--Vung Tau copy

At Friendly Library, a Vietnamese translation of a 112-page Chinese book on Covid, both published in 2020, so rushed out. The cover says a million copies have already been sold in China, but only 20,000 copies were printed for this Vietnamese edition.


swiss reader said...

A blue coronavirus? But on tv it was always shown as red.So either (a)that book or (b)tv are wrong.Or (c) both.

Tom Herzog said...

A red virus implicates the "red" Chinese. A blue virus shifts blame to the West. It's all just made up nonsense. As our accommodating host makes reference to, it's the "Jewjab." Which has minted several billionaires from the pharmaceutical industry. It is increasingly obvious what Covid was about. Making money for Big Pharma.