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Saturday, March 16, 2024

Homeless man across from Cóc Cóc Coffee on 3-16-24--Vung Tau copy

He's the only chronically homeless man within a 15 minute walk of me in any direction. If there are others, they're well hidden.


Tom Herzog said...

So different from the U.S., particularly California. Homelessness there, at least the last time I was there about two years ago has become endemic. Many of the people with homes vilify the wretched homeless, stupidly and thoughtlessly assuming they choose to be in that miserable state. Many of the fortunate housed speak of the homeless as if they were subhuman.

What these housed jerks don't realize (and many of them are the worst sort of jerks, endlessly patting themselves on the back and congratulating themselves for their success in life not understanding that in America who gets and who doesn't get a good paying job is often the luck of the draw).

The community college I worked at in Sacramento, California had a group of homeless who would camp out on campus. Across the street from the college was a lavish neighborhood of extravagant homes; the kind of neighborhood built under the aegis of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal back in the 1960. One day (I was told reliably by a professor friend of mine) that one of the homeless folks -- perhaps sick of other people's good fortune and the wretchedness of his own -- walk across the street and killed one of the well-housed people. Such is America. 45 years of stagnant wages and ever rising rents has brought us this. And we can't produce just one genius who has a solution for this problem? I think that's called a "failed society."

Lyle said...

The "solution" is quite simple for the Marxist genius's,
If one has an cardboard box and a sheet of plastic, you
Will be considered no longer homeless.