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Thursday, November 27, 2014





1 comment:

Linh Dinh said...

Chuck Orloski:

Just saw the disturbing PPL Electric Utilities signs, posted on your Blog. Yesterday's The Times-Tribune reported PPL electricity rate hike will LEAP to 9.32%, upon consumers, starting Monday, December 1st. Utility rate hikes typically come in 3% increments, but this one's Shock & Awe -- almost 10%! Consequently, Orloski household on austerity program, and I wonder if our area will see less homes with Christmas lights turned-on? Was very weird last night to watch CNN for an allotted family time, and see a "Seasons Greeting" banner hung (overhead) upon electric wire, and Ferguson on fire. Busy time for local demolition/construction companies and scrap metal recycling yards, but St. Louis, MO electricity rates will likely go up come Black Friday.