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Monday, October 16, 2017

Caught in the act by grace pt tran at around 2AM





KeltCindy said...

Oh Linh...for SHAME. The look on your "seafaring" friend's face says it all. You could have called me... I'd have found a way to Hanoi! ;D

Yes, it's your long-lost, wayward friend, Cindy, from Dallas...

::Hanging head in shame::

I apologize for dropping out on you before your-trip-before-last to Europe...

Part of my silence has been out of shame... and part out of being nuts-crazy with work, kids, and the insanity of surviving existence in the clusterf*ck that is the U.S. today...

NONE of this, of course, justifies my sudden "radar disappearance."

All I can say is...

"Dude, a playground FISH?" LOL ::HUGE HUG:: ;D

Love, Cindy

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Cindy,

I hope everything is relatively OK in Dallas. Many forces are pushing me to move back to Vietnam, just to escape my precarious and, at times, openly menaced existence back in the US. I've been told in not so subtle ways to get the fuck out.

Anyway, I hope you and your family are doing relatively OK.
