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Friday, March 2, 2018

I'm still thinking about whether

to move all my future articles to Patreon. Sure, I will lose most of my readers, but my audience is tiny anyway, so it's not like we're talking about any great number.

When I published my first political articles in 2010, I had hoped to become a public voice, stop laughing, in the greater discussion about the United States in decline and crisis, but of course, nothing close to it happened. Instead, I'm increasingly marginalized, living on the other side of the globe and routinely mocked by online idiots, and that's why writing for a small, appreciative audience may just be what I need. Further, it may improve my articles, for I can be more intimate and candid, knowing I'm conversing with friends, so to speak.

Still, I waver, for to retreat into Patreon is to concede defeat, sort of, to the hounding hyenas.



mago said...

Hello Linh. Tried to send an email to Yahoo address but it bounced back. Don't care to make comments of a personal nature in a public format so will be brief. You deserve to earn some $$ with your writing, which is appreciated by many, I'm sure. Anyway, I know all about being marginal and living on the edge--it's my life. I despair of making money with my writing but am willing to kick some pathetic amount your way. Lots to say, but again, this isn't the format. Keep moving forward and don't let the bastards get you down.

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Doug,

Thanks. My email is linhdinh99@yahoo.com

With each year, I feel more disgusted and futile, but I will try to forge forward.


Dan Cascioppo said...

Hello. I have been a reader and follower for years. You are needed more now than ever. In this age of alternative truth, your perspective breathes fresh air into the chatter. Your work has been a source of solace and inspiration to me. I do hope that you can stay with us online. Your work is exceptional and totally underappreciated. Not long and the light will shine on you.
All my best,

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Dan,

Thanks. Maybe I should just ignore all the Unz comments, just stop reading them, and keep going as is.
