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Friday, December 21, 2018

My divorce from Poetry Dispatches

Though I did nothing for it, I was listed as an editor at Dispatches from the Poetry Wars, for before this internet campaign against me, my name was still cool, at least in the sad American poetry ghetto that's populated almost entirely by university writing students and their professors.

Kent Johnson and Michael Boughn are the principal editors at Poetry Dispatches, and I've long considered Kent a dear friend. Needing to get rid of me, Kent didn't address me directly, however, but only as a carbon copy [Cc] in an email to Mike:

Mike, I know it's unpleasant, but we need to address the issue of Linh Dinh.
He is still on our Editors list.
Did you carefully read his Wikipedia page? It really is beyond belief. He has joined the ranks of the far alt-right, and is now promoting openly racist and anti-Semitic garbage. If we keep him on there, we will be DPW's anti-racist principles.

My prompt response:

Hi Kent and Mike,

Do remove me as editor, but since when is a man judged by his Wikipedia page?!

I've listed all of my race and Jewish power pieces at the top of my blog, for your reference:


Israel is the most openly racist and war mongering state out there, so I'm proud to be on the record, loudly and clearly, as advocating for its disappearance, and since you can't oppose Israel without addressing Jewish power, I'm also proud to be unequivocal in calling it out, unlike the rest of our cowering political class, and nearly all of our intellectuals.

Jewish power has killed millions, wrecked several countries and is deforming many more, and though all of our intellectuals hate Trump, they don't dare to idenfity him as another servant of Jewish power, which he nakedly is, but I have, repeatedly, and I'm proud of that too.

Israel is the clearest manifestation of Jewish power, so if you're fine with it, then it's you, not me, who support genocide and racism.




Linh Dinh said...

Jewish power tries to deny its critics media access or even means of making a living, so now, Gilad Atzmon can't even play a concert:

The Battle on Britain

Islington Council has decided to prevent me from performing with the Blockheads at our annual London Christmas concert on 21 December. This ludicrous decision by the Council was in response to pressure from a single pro-Israel campaigner who said he would not attend the concert if I were on stage.

The Blockheads have twice written to the Council demanding its decision be reversed. I have played with the Blockheads for 25 years, we’ve performed more than a thousand concerts, including at least two in Islington, without incident. I appealed to the Council to reconsider, submitting two detailed letters that countered each claim made against me. In return the council shifted its claimed rationale for banning me and answered my appeals with a blitz of misquotes from my work and claims about me that were at best insulting and at worst slanderous, all of which were suspiciously similar to Zionist sources.


Rudy said...

Hi Linh,

Truth, courage and integrity are all it takes to get you slimed and tossed into prison or the borderlands these days. Sad that.

Your old friend,

Unknown said...

Dear Linh Dinh, One can always count on you to say exactly what you think with forceful clarity and unvarnished words. Your take on Israeli militarism and its all-powerful lobby in the USA is spot on and needs to become a primary political issue here. Tony Vodvarka

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Tony,

Many thanks. The increasing hysteria of the lynch mobs against critics of Israel and Jewish power will disgust and discredit Israel further. Unfortunately, most Americans are too cowed by Jewish power to speak out against Israel or, of course, Jewish power. It can instantly wreck their lives.
