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Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Sidewalk seller of vegetables--Gyeongju

Lots of sidewalk vendors in Gyeongju, and at least half of them were over 55-years-old.



eahilf said...

Most Americans/westerners know S Korea via Samsung, LG, Hyundai, etc, even K-Pop -- so there are many companies that have achieved international success and recognition, also with high tech products that compete well against the best the West has to offer, e.g. Samsung smartphones -- so you get the impression that S Koreans must be or are fairly well off: intelligent, economically productive.

Yet your fotos show another side to S Korea, where it seems there are many people who are poor or living on the economic margins.

How does S Korea compare with other SE Asian countries?

Linh Dinh said...

Hi eahilf,

South Korea is similar to Japan, and much richer than Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia or even Thailand. Most people live in these impersonal highrises that most Americans would shun, yet all South Korean neighborhoods are lively and perfectly safe. The people are generally well dressed.
