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Saturday, September 12, 2020


Near Blok 42 on 9-11-20--Belgrade 2

[near Blok 42 in New Belgrade]



Anonymous said...

This picture reeks of Trenton, NJ minus the cultural and cosmopolitanism that lures in the most discerning of travelers.


Linh Dinh said...

New Belgrade was supposed to be Communist urban planning at its best, but despite much improvement AFTER the collapse of Communism, New Belgrade is still a disaster.

So much asphalt and concrete, and vast lawns around monumetal yet hideously ugly buildings. Hardly any shade giving trees. Wide boulevards made to impress but a pain just to cross. New Belgrade doesn't just dwaft humans, it is inhuman.

The only escapes, paradoxically, are the American styled shopping malls and trendy cafes and restaurants, inserted here and there.

Linh Dinh said...

New Belgrade is better than Trenton in one respect. Although it has the highest crime rate in Belgrade, it is infinitely safer than the New Jersey city. I've walked through Trenton several times, so I know from direct experience. When I hung out overly late at Tir na nOg, an Irish cop, also drinking there, gave me a ride to the train station.

Tir na nOg is one of the greatest bars in America, man, especially on music night.

Linh Dinh said...

North, central or south, Jersey has many amazing bars.