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Thursday, October 22, 2020

Meanwhile, in Sonoma County, CA,

as reported by a reader:


We are still in purple tier (worst) for Covid. All is locked down. It is still hot and dry here. Fires are out, but major fire danger ahead as dry winds return this weekend. Sure it will be 20F colder, but the dry fuels remain in the hills due to poor forest management by the state.

In our town folks wear masks mostly. The tourists come in droves and eat and drink in the street under umbrellas at tables in old parking places surrounded by barriers. Some of these barriers are old wine barrels, some are orange plastic traffic barriers, some are galvanized horse troughs, but today I saw something new on Center Street. Banshee Wines had surrounded its three parking space wine tasting "lounge" out front with an eight foot high redwood fence! No doubt a roof will be added for the winter rains (if they ever come.)

No bars are open. No churches are open. The Catholic School across the street from our home is open, but the poor kids have to wear masks along with their school uniforms. No end to this madness in sight here.

I will tell you a funny story: Four weeks ago my wife was going on her daily walk around town at about 9 AM. My wife doesn't wear a mask. She came suddenly upon a Mexican house painter. He came around the edge of the building he was painting. No mask on him either. The man freaked out and put an empty paint bucket over his head!

We are going mad. This lockdown is killing our psyches.




destroytheuniverse said...

I sympathize with 'sonoma' yes it's getting weird just up the road from you here in Lake County too. Please understand I mean no insult by making this observation:
we americans have enjoyed our conveniences and entitled lives with little thought to the havoc terror and misery the rest of the world has endured to keep us comfortable -
can't help but think we've got some payback coming - and payback's a bitch

Anonymous said...

Government and State reaction is disproportionate, ineffective and cruel. Lockdown is a specific prison term enacted to quell disturbance, why promote such a term for a medical emergency? American's health and well being is being sacrificed in order to achieve something, of which I don't know, that certainly has little to do with public health. Stay strong and hold onto whatever belief has got you this far.