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Monday, November 15, 2021

Covid news from Vietnam, as sent by a 62-year-old ex-American:

I am a (former) American who has been working in Saigon for the past six or seven years. Unfortunately I am about to leave the country in a couple of weeks, as I have concluded that I cannot remain here without being vaccinated. (We are totally on the same page on that issue.) We have some other ideas in common, from what I have read in that article--about a certain race of people whom I refer to as the "Self-Chosenites". Ha.

I am the only person in my company here of nearly 200 people who is not vaccinated. And because I am not vaccinated, I am not allowed to go into the office. And because I can't go into the office anymore, there is no reason for me to remain in Vietnam. They're going to find out soon enough that they will all get infected and become very sick--even without me. (Actually, the 57-year-old father of one of my colleagues died a day after getting vaccinated--and they blamed COVID. At least they didn't blame me.)

Some of my dear colleagues try to convince me to get vaccinated. One of them, a very bright young Vietnamese guy who just finished his MBA at Columbia University, told me: "But what about the science, Jim?" He told me that something like 28% of people over 60 (I'm 62) have died from COVID in Vietnam. I told him that that number seemed extremely high to me. I got him to check again, and it turns out that 28% of the people who have died from COVID are between 60 and 70. HUGE difference! And this guy is a Columbia MBA! People have completely lost their ability to reason. When I told him that fewer than one percent of people my age die from COVID, he said, "But why even take a chance?" Well, my answer, which I didn't tell him because he's already been vaccinated, is "Your reasoning would make sense if the vaccines were safe." But they're obviously not. He is a very healthy 30-year old man. He should be thinking, "If Jim is over 60 years old and he refuses to get vaccinated, and he's even willing to abandon all of his possessions to flee Vietnam as quickly as possible rather than get vaccinated, maybe he knows something that I don't know." Instead, he just thinks that I'm an anti-science conspiracy theorist. And my American boss accuses me of not doing my part to build herd immunity. I think it's asking a bit much to expect me to kill myself for the benefit of "society".

I read the article that you just sent me. And thanks for reminding me of that point that we had almost NO COVID deaths here before the vaccines started rolling out. I'm going to mention that to my friends here. I also remember how the Government saved that pilot. At that stage, it seemed that there was no need to worry because there were cures for the virus. I do a LOT of research on the topic, and there are indeed cures. And luckily/thankfully, here in Vietnam, we can buy all of the necessary medicines for the treatment of COVID (ivermectin, hydroxycholoroquine, colchicine, fluvoxamine, fenofibrate, budesonide, etc.) over the counter, for cheap. I would HATE to be in America now, where they actually not only prevent you from buying cheap medicines that work but they actually KILL you in the hospital with medicines that DON'T work--just to make COVID seem more dangerous than it is--in order to convince other people to get "vaccinated".

[LD's note: Jim tried to alert a well-connected Vietnamese to problems with the Covid vaccines, but he was ignored.]


xlarry said...

mindboggling, but there's no escape. all over europe it's terrifying and it's just beginning. people can't use logic because deferring to 'authorities' and 'experts' and 'scientists' and 'celebrities' is carefully inculcated through the schools and media itself from the earliest ages. i know some who willingly hand over their newborn babies at a few weeks to nurseries, which essentially raise them--the government way. to believe in logic is to turn one's entire world on its head, something that is extremely difficult to do. the reason for this is that everything is already flipped on its head by our loving chosen elites. if everything you grow up believing is actually a lie, the truth will turn it all on its head. people really believe the govt. cares about them. they trust in these satanic mass murderers. they're coming foreveryone, it's going to happen very soon and has in fact already started. we know someone in spain whose friend's husband was put in jail and they took her kids away--the guardia civil--because they refused 'vaccination'. good luck to us all!

Linh Dinh said...

From James Howard Kunstler's latest, "Who Will Answer?":


Did all that vaxxing help? It apparently did nothing to prevent transmission of the disease. The vaxxed were spreading it as effectively as the unvaxxed, and the vaxxed were catching the disease as easily, too, though supposedly suffering not as badly as the unvaxxed (if you choose to believe the official press releases, and why would you believe them?). Then, along came the reports of “adverse reactions” to the vaccines, many of them quite grave — clots, strokes, infarctions, neurological havoc, organ failure. In mid-October this year, the VAERS registry had it at 17,000 deaths and 26,000 permanent disabilities, and the rule-of-thumb was that these represented only 10 percent of the actual number of adverse events because the VAERS website was so badly designed that it crashed half the time any doctor tried to use it… plus the doctors were being silenced and punished for voicing any distrust of the vaccines.

Then why the mad rush to vaccinate all the children in America? There have been next-to-zero covid deaths among children besides a few hundred with grave co-morbidities like cancer or cystic fibrosis — and the hospitals had a cash subsidy incentive from the federal government to list them as dying “with Covid.” Children are far more likely to suffer harm from the vaccines than from the Covid-19 disease. The child vax experiment is only just underway, and there are already enough cases of myocarditis and other disorders to be very concerned. The medical establishment has no idea what the long-term effects on children might be, in particular on their reproductive systems, since the chief active ingredient in the vaccines, the spike protein, has a proclivity for the sexual organs. It happens, too, by the way, that mothers who got vaxxed in early 2021 are just now giving birth to babies with myocarditis and other signature disorders of adverse mRNA vaccine reactions. Keep your eye on that sub-plot of the story.


Linh Dinh said...

Biff left this comment which was accidentally erased:

Big pharma kills with impunity:
