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Monday, November 15, 2021


WASH YOUR HANDS WAR A MASK with Chinese looking Coronavirus at Wernhill Park on 11-15-21--Windhoek copy

Notice how Chinky that Coronavirus is! I've already contacted the Anti-Defamation League, Southern Poverty Law Center and Black Lives Matter. We're going to stage a huge protest right in front of this poster. Each time I walk by it, I feel so assaulted, I flop backward and convulse on the ground, thus compounding my neurological and psychological damages with various bodily injuries. "Someone's going to pay," my Jewish lawyer said.



xlarry said...

it's almost unbelievable. but nothing is unbelievable these days. disgusting--but where's the outrage?

Linh Dinh said...

Yo Dan,

I think you mean this comment for the post below, on Covid in Vietnam...


xlarry said...

no, i was looking at the 'chink' cartoon. cheers,