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Thursday, February 3, 2022

Apocalypse Now

As published at SubStack, 2/2/22:

[Windhoek, 11/20/21]

On my last day in Cape Town, 10/31/21, I met a Filipino nurse, Eric, who was in South Africa to take a test for a job in Springfield, Missouri. Eric had worked six years in Saudi Arabia, and six in Qatar. Paid well enough to take foreign vacations, Eric had also learnt enough Arabic to communicate with patients, so he seemed comfortable in Arabia, yet nothing beat the allure of the USA!

On 11/3/21, Eric emailed me to say he had failed that test, to which I responded, “It’s a secret blessing. The U.S. is a mess, with serious economic, political and racial problems. If you’re stuck there on a contract, or if borders are closed while you’re there, you’ll regret coming to the USA!”

Though Eric seemed to agree, he emailed me on 1/19/22 to ask which state was better, Kentucky or Louisiana? It turned out Eric had been offered a job in each, with the same failing score!

It’s no mystery why American hospitals are so desperate for nurses. They’ve gotten rid of hundreds of thousands who were already familiar with their working environments, not to mention the culture, all because these nurses refused to be Pfizered into an early grave. Before we go on, isn’t that a gigantic red flag?! Healthcare workers are running in terror from the same substances they just pumped into you or your five-year-old. Though many quit, others had to be shown the door, which raises the ethical question of why they didn’t flinch from injecting toxins in the first place?

To pay for mortgages, cars, vacations and their kids’ college tuitions, it’s OK to knock off a shipload of fools a day, for they ran in voluntarily, no? With huge smiles on their faces, even. They didn’t just ask for it, they begged! Here, you can have ten, twenty, thirty, forty more jabs, to preempt all future variants!

Seventeen-years-old Zachary Mogavero, “Doctor Fauci, give us vaccines! Help all the people who have been quarantined! We’ll wear our masks and we’ll have to stay distant! We’ll wash our hands and we’ll be more resistant! Fauci! Yes? Promise us please! We’ll have a cure that can fight off this disease! Restriction will lift with some ease! Doctor Fauci, please don’t forget about me!”

In Heredia, Costa Rica, a six-year-old boy was taken to a hospital for some respiratory problem. There, he tested positive for Covid, so was “vaccinated” without parental consent, but only after a violent confrontation that led to the arrest of seven people. Justifying this decision, El Patronato Nacional de la Infancia [National Children’s Board] explained that the hospital was legally justified to defend the “health and life” of this boy.

You don’t even need to argue that six-year-olds aren’t in danger of dying from Covid, for that shot gave him no benefit whatsoever, because 1) He already had Covid, albeit from an unreliable test 2) Those who treated him had been “vaccinated,” so shouldn’t fear infection from the boy 3) Since Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Janssen shots don’t prevent infection, but only increase one’s chances of being sick or even dead, there’s no reason to inject them into anybody, under any circumstance.

This case sets two alarming precedents 1) Hospitals elsewhere will also inject kids without parental consent, to protect their health and life, supposedly 2) Parents will be leery of taking kids to the hospital, for fear they’ll test positive for Covid and be Pfizered.

Too many parents, though, will happily sacrifice even their infants. News just came Pfizer shots for six-month-old babies will be approved by the end of this month.

With Jewjabs a miracle cure relentlessly pushed by the Jewish media, with only neo-Nazis resisting, supposedly, I want you to reexamine with me the vaccination bit in Apocalypse Now.

Kurtz, “I remember when I was with Special Forces. Seems a thousand centuries ago. We went into a camp to inoculate some children. We’d left the camp after we had inoculated the children for polio. And this old man came running after us, and he was crying. He couldn’t say. We went back there, and they had come and hacked off every inoculated arm. They they were, in a pile. A pile of little arms. And, I remember, I cried, I wept like some grandmother. I wanted to tear my teeth out. I didn’t know what I wanted to do. And I want to remember it. I never want to forget it. I never want to forget it. And then I realized, like I was shot, like I was shot with a diamond bullet through my forehead. And I thought, My God, the genius of that! The genius. The will to do that. Perfect, genuine, complete, crystalline, pure. And then I realized, they were stronger than we. Because they could stand it. These were not monsters. These were men, strained cadres. These men who fought with their hearts, who have families, who have children, who are filled with love… that they had the strength, the strength to do that. If I had ten divisions of those men, then our troubles here would be over very quickly. You have to have men who are moral, and at the same time, who are able to utilize their primordial instincts to kill without feeling, without passion. Without judgment. Without Judgment. Because it’s judgment  that defeats us.”

First of, this is racial slander of the highest order, for nothing like this was even rumored to have happened.

Let’s break it down. Americans vaccinate Vietnamese to save them, but the Vietnamese reject this by hacking off the arms of Vietnamese children, an unspeakably barbaric act that is nevertheless praised by Kurtz, who wishes Americans were more like this, for if they had this kind of “strength,” this monstrous yet somehow principled savagery, they would win the war. By “judgment,” Kurtz means “moral judgment,” of course, so Americans judge themselves too harshly, feel too much and are not primordial enough to defeat the Vietnamese.

In reality, Americans massacred way more Vietnamese civilians than the Vietnamese Communists, and I’m speaking as one with no Communist sympathies, but facts are facts. I mean, this is the same military that firebombed Japanese cities, dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and destroyed Dresden, with their victims overwhelmingly civilians. In recent decades, it has killed hundreds of thousands of Muslim non-combatants, in countries that didn’t threaten the USA at all. If America keeps losing wars, it’s not because Americans are too moral and self-judgmental!

Kurtz’ rhapsody about Vietnamese men chopping off the arms of Vietnamese children as “perfect, genuine, complete, crystalline, pure” is also nonsensical, because how would that help the Viet Cong win the war? The revulsion from it could only deprive them of supporters.

Movie goers, though, are not encouraged to think too hard about anything. What they got from this scene is that Vietnamese are unfathomably barbaric and Americans must be less squeamishly ethical in future wars, most likely for Jewish interests. What’s a given, also, is that good guys vaccinate, while evil monsters oppose vaccination to an insane degree.

So who came up with all this phantasmagoric bullshit? John Milius, who got an Academy Award nomination for best screenplay. Like director Coppola, Milius had no experience of Vietnam, in war or peace. Michael Herr, though, was also involved with this flick as a narrator, so why didn’t the author of Dispatches say something to Milius? Keep in mind, though, that both Milius and Herr were Jews working in an industry dominated by Jews, so who cared how Vietnamese came off? Deliberate racial distortion is a well-honed Hollywood, and Jewish, practice.

For a much more horrific vaccine scene, one needs not watch any movie, but just be (barely) alive today, with toxic jabs required to enter restaurants, bars, shopping centers or another country, with millions still lined up to be boostered, despite all the countless strokes, heart attacks, convulsions, paralyses and other “adverse reactions,” except they aren’t, but thoroughly intended, by the good guys, of course. Though not as graphic, with each victim dying alone, this is Jones Town timed many thousands, for years to come.

In this apocalypse now, you’re not just another sadistic spectator, one who can find “I love the smell of napalm in the morning” witty or even outrageously funny, for you’re the man, the target, the star, in this greatest Jewish film!


Linh Dinh said...

Hi all,

I just realized the second paragraph was somehow chopped off, so just reinserted it. Eric was rejected for the Springfield job, to which I said it was a hidden blessing.


Martin said...

Hi Linh,

I'm currently living in Portugal where 90% of the people have been vaccinated. Do you seriously believe that nine out of ten people in this country are suddenly going to drop dead? When will this happen? How far into the future before the Great Die-Off?

If what you believe is true that means between 60% and 80% of all the white people on earth will die. That'll open up a lot of real-estate in Europe, Australia, America, Canada, etc., places that are extremely popular to non-white, non-jabbed, immigrants/"refugees."

But without all the white people (most dead due to the Covid vaccine) around to work and to keep Western society humming, without those white workers paying into all those welfare systems that immigrants consider a basic human right to tap into upon arrival, something that you automatically get for immigrating to any of these first-world countries, the West won't be nearly as enticing to third worlders as it is now.

If what you say is true this'll be the world's greatest die off in human history, far worse than the Black Death. I guess that the only "good news" is that the planet will be better for all the other life forms when half the human race is gone. The wildlife will get some breathing room as long as the human die-off is gradual enough that the food supply isn't effected. Otherwise, especially in crowded places like Africa and Asia, they'll be out in the jungle/forest/great outdoors killing anything that moves for food and chopping down every tree for fuel to cook it.

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Martin,

First of, we have different vaccines, with Pfizer and Moderna the most dangerous, but even with those shots, different batches have caused different degrees of immediate damage, with some possibly harmless.

Since the Western Covid "vaccines" aren't vaccines, what are they're trying to do? To make money, obviously, hence the push for booster shots to be "fully vaccinated." "Vaccination" is also a device to force people into using "health" passport, as modeled after China's social credit system, so the goal there is social control. Be obedient or your "health" passport is disabled. Lastly, since these shots have already proven to be lethal for hundreds of thousands, at least, then depopulation is clearly on the agenda, and they've been talking about this for decades, with over population constantly cited as a planet destroying problem, to be urgently solved.

The dangers of the Western vaccines is summed up nicely by James Howard Kunstler, in this passage from 10/11/21:

"Ol’ Tom Petty sure got that right: the waiting is the hardest part. The lines are drawn: vaxed on one side and unvaxed on the other. Can it be that the unvaxed know rather specifically what the dangers of the vax actually are? That they are making a rational decision, taking a stand, against a toxic hacking of their immune systems and systemic damage to their organs? It’s not that hard to understand, after all. Those spike proteins can kill you, if not right away, then steadily, steadily over the weeks and months. So, now we’re left to wait as the light wanes and we slide into fretful darkness.

"And can it be that the vaxed are so clue-deprived that they have not seen the news? Sure, information was suppressed pretty tightly for two years since this madness started, but the news media, turns out, is as leaky as the mRNA vaccines. If you were even moderately aware, you could discover that the vaxes create havoc in your bloodstream. It’s right ‘out there,’ documented and for real. But now, if you vaxed up, and you happened to snag a clue since then, you have a powerful incentive for denying that you might have made a mistake and acquired a serious problem. And you have a support group of about half the nation to reinforce that denial and even demonize those unvaxed who keep hectoring you with conspiracy theories. Hard to fathom how much you hate them for it."


Linh Dinh said...

Hi Martin,

As for the West being not so enticing for immigrants, I've said long ago that Mexico will need the wall more than the USA, to keep Americans from fleeing into it. I've warned Eric the Filipino nurse from emigrating to the USA. Since 2015, I've also interviewed many Americans who have gotten out.


Biff said...

Bravo! A fine piece of work…

Linh Dinh said...

Thanks a lot, Biff. If that Thai restaurant wasn't far away, I'd go and treat myself to a nice lunch. Instead, I'll just have a supermarket steak and kidney pie. English cuisine, man. You've got to love a people that can be happy with just a bowl of mushy peas, without squirted mint even.

Linh Dinh said...

I just left this comment at SubStack:

Hi all,

Since Heart of Darkness is mentioned, I want to draw your attention to Chihua Achebe's "An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness'," as published in the Massachussetts Review in 1977: http://kirbyk.net/hod/image.of.africa.html

Also, to use an 1899 novel about the Congo to describe South Vietnam in the 1960's, then declare that "it is not about Vietnam, but Vietnam itself" is the height of madness, but what do I know, I am only Vietnamese!

As for the arm chopping episode, imagine if there's a Chinese film that claims Chinese soldiers went to some town in Alabama to vaccinate a bunch of white kids, then just after they left, an old white guy ran after them to say local white men had just chopped all these kids' vaccinated arms off, would you find that believable for even a second? Not only that, a Chinese soldier was so distraught, he felt like tearing his teeth out, so this Chinese soldier cared more about the white kids than local white men, and I'm stressing local because in Apocalypse Now, the arm chopping happened before the American soldiers could get far away. They were close enough for an old man to run after them.

If the point of the arm chopping was to terrify Vietnamese from associating with Americans, then why did the old man run after these Americans?! Because they didn't just represent charity and science, as embodied by the vaccines, but justice. The old man ran after these foreigners to report a crime committed by his own people!

Again, none of this happened, but was dreamt up by a Jew, John Milius, and let us not forget that Jews are fantastic at conjuring up unimaginable atrocities, but only as committed by other races, of course, so we have Jewish skin lampshades, Jewish fat soap and, of course, six million Jews gassed to death. If you point out that the Israeli Army is as savage as they come, then you're a hardcore Nazi!!!


Martin said...

Hi Linh,

Time will tell if your beliefs are correct. If there hasn't been a gargantuan die-off, or a tremendous drop in the fertility of women and girls who have gotten the jab within five to ten years you'll be you'll have to eat crow. But, if the die-off doesn't happen, don't go eating crow in Angola, crow is most likely a spendy meat to eat there in a price range between singed monkey tail and succulent grubs, more expensive than a happy meal at Lion King.

Seriously, if there is the huge die-off that you expect ("The waiting is the hardest part") the world will be regress to a tremendous degree, probably and quickly to the level of the pre-industrial world on most parts of the earth.

The great die-off will mostly affect the world's white populations along with other first world citizens such as the Israelis, Japanese, and the educated Chinese/Indians. Advanced, functioning, society will die along with them. The black and Muslim populations will quickly, by their sheer numbers, dominate the world and the world will, soon enough, be pretty much theirs to do as they wish.

I wonder how blacks and Muslims will get along after today's machinery created by first world technology breaks down: airplanes, communications, power plants, automobiles, diesel engines, electrically powered anything, etc. Instead of having to wait 200 years for a world with only a 1% white (European DNA) population we'll have it within, let's say, 10 to 20 years.

When blacks and Muslims get their chance to rule a far less populated the world it'll be interesting to see how good of a job they do, especially compared to the ones who are running it now.

Stay safe,


Martin said...

Dämn! - Please pardon all the typos Linh. I noticed them immediately after I clicked the publish button.

Remonster said...

Linh your writing is provocative and instructive as usual. Your wry and self-deprecating take on the human condition is humbling knowing what you have seen in your lifetime. And it continues! Your "adventures" - if adventure can be contorted that way - are a pleasure to read. Please keep writing.

Do you have any thoughts of the passing of Thich Nhat Hahn's passing? His poem FOR WARMTH
is a balm for the soul.

I hold my face between my hands.
No, I am not crying.
I hold my face between my hands
to keep my loneliness warm —
two hands protecting,
two hands nourishing,
two hands to prevent
my soul from leaving me
in anger.

Stay safe stay sane stay for a cold beer.

I drink beer whenever I can get my hands on any. I love beer, and by that very fact, the world ~ Thomas Merton

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Remonster,

Thanks! I know very little about Thích Nhất Hạnh, and wasn't even aware he had returned to Vietnam. Here's a video of his funeral procession at Từ Hiếu Temple in Huế. The large silent crowd is very moving.

Từ Hiếu Temple was where Thích Nhất Hạnh started, before his long exile in the West. Here's a video of his return in October of 20018. Particularly moving is the scene of the stroke stricken man touching its stone gate. Much of Huế was destroyed during the 1968 Tet Offensive.

In English texts, Hue is often said to be Vietnam's "ancient capital," but that's nonsense. Hue was only the capital of a unified Vietnam in the 19th century. For much of its history, Hue belonged to the Chams, whose land the Vietnamese invaded, with most Chams assimilated.

There are still 800,000 Chams left, with 600,000 in Cambodia. Muslims, they maintain three mosques in Saigon. No longer a threat to Vietnamese authorities, Chams are now allowed to publish and broadcast in their language.

Everyone conquers. If a nation is still here, it has overwhelmed and slaughtered...


Linh Dinh said...

P.S. In the US, I lived in the ancient capital of Philadelphia, in the ancient Italian Market, where I often drank at the ancient Friendly Lounge.