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Friday, February 4, 2022


UK government report reveals that British children, 10 to 14 years old, up to 52 times more likely to die after getting a COVID shot

New data from the ONS in the UK shows a 52X increase in all-cause mortality if you got two jabs compared to the unvaccinated. Might explain why informed kids aren't rushing to get jabbed.

Click the image below to read the story.

The key part are the stats on all-cause mortality which I’ve always said is the elephant in the room:

10–14-year-olds, on the other hand, run the risk of dying almost by a factor of ten following the first dose while the second dose brings a 51.8 times greater risk of death than if they had remained un-jabbed.

I’ve applied to speak at the upcoming FDA and CDC meetings and would like to use this in my oral testimony.

If you can find an error in the analysis or can explain why the all cause mortality is dose dependent, let me know in the comments below.


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