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Sunday, June 19, 2022

Banh mi lady on Ba Cu on 6-19-22--Vung Tau copy

She sells two types of banh mi, with eggs or pig offal. I went to her today because my regular egg sandwich man was in Saigon with his wife, to buy clothing. She's frying my eggs with a stove inside her cart.

It's nice to see "CHẤT LƯỢNG VIỆT NAM" ["VIETNAMESE QUALITY"] because it's more often American, European or Japanese quality, etc. Of course, she's only selling offal sandwiches.


Anonymous said...

I am guessing that "pig offal" is what old timers in the American south called "chitlins."
My oldest uncle used to buy large bags of them, some of which he fed to his dogs to supplement their protein intake and some he ate himself. Deep fried segments of pig intestines didn't seem appetizing to me, and they also looked like cholesterol/grease bombs. Take it easy on that kind of diet, Linh.

Linh Dinh said...

Vietnamese chitlins are braised. Though they're pretty tasty, I rarely eat them.