The Saker, 8/2/22:
So, it appears that Pelosi landed in Taiwan. This is a HUGE victory for the invincible USA and China with all its hollow threats has now lost face. That is how those evil commies are – they only understand the language of force, and when faced with the united forces of democracy they cave.
Yes, if your expertise in international relation, military matters and China (or Russia) come from reading Tom Clancy’s books, then yes.
But there is another way to look at this:
First, in objective terms, this visit is a pure provocation with no practical effects whatsoever. Pelosi is as much a old teleprompter reading hag as President Brandon. Whatever real dealings the USA and Taiwan had to discuss, they would have done that either remotely or by arranging a meeting between people capable of thinking.
Second, just like Russia many times in the past, the Chinese drew a red line and then let the US cross it. Being the narcissistic civilization that it is, the West only saw this as a sign of “weakness”, “indecisiveness” or even “naivete”. What these folks fail to even think about is this: how do you feel most Chinese will react both to the visit and to the lack of Chinese reaction (so far!)? They will get mad and express their frustrations. Now look at it from the Chinese government’s point of view, rather then spending billions on anti-US propaganda they, instead, let the US humiliate China and thereby solidifying the Chinese population for the day when the real confrontation will take place.
[Sidebar: there is a direct connection between years of Kremlin’s rather weak and mostly verbal protests and the “sudden” appearance of the Russian ultimatum to the West followed by the SMO: the Kremlin literally “cooked” its own public opinion to the point were IT *demanded* strong action. Far from alienating or frightening most Russians, the SMO came as a huge relief to them: “we are FINALLY putting the foot down and taking real action”. That would not have been possible before 2018. Those in the West who saw Putin’s “indecisiveness” simply don’t understand the Russian mindset anymore than they understand the Chinese one. Simply put: you cannot prepare for war without preparing your own population for it! That is what Tom Clancy does to the brains of those reading him]
Third, let me ask you a simple question: who decided on the timing of Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan? The answer is obvious, it was the leaders of the USA. And you can bet that they had everything carefully lined up to make that visit happen in the best of possible circumstances. Now, a BASIC principle of warfare is that you do NOT let your enemy chose the time and place of the battle. Yes, yes, yes, in the western culture any “affront” (real or perceived) demands an immediate reaction. But the Chinese have been at this for many millennia, not just 200 years, and they know better and you can be sure that THEY, not the USA, will chose the time, place and mode of retaliation.
In sum, the woke-soaking narcissists who run the USA can celebrate how they chose “them Chinese commies” who is boss. Just like they did with Russia between 1991 and 2021. And then, when the Russians decided to act, Uncle Shmuel was caught totally off-guard and clueless as to who to deal with this sudden and direct threat.
Last but not least. That kind of imperial arrogance is something which not only impact (the already pretty angry Chinese population), it also infuriates all of Zone B, thereby creating the conditions for more defeats for the USA in Asia, Africa, the Indian Subcontinent, Central Asia and Latin America.
Most US Americans have absolutely no idea how offensive their condescending arrogance, constant flag waving, talks about their messianic mission for mankind and general narcissism is offensive to the rest of the planet. But when you look objectively at the endless list of US failures pretty much anywhere on the planet, you can tell that there is something deep going on here. For some reason, the “Yankees go home” thing seems to be very contagious.
I think that Nancy Pelosi deserves our profound gratitude. She should get at least two medals:
- One from the CP of China in gratitude for her endless efforts to rally the people of China around their government and
- One from Russia, for her endless efforts into solidifying the Russian-Chinese alliance.
Truth be told, between Bliken and Pelosi the national security interests of China and Russia are in good hands :-)
Hi LD, I called Saker a cheerleader and apologist. And why? Because I think what we see right now happened by design and designed by the West. So far Russia and China have no choice but to react to the US's time, place, and battle. The battlefield is Ukraine and Taiwan could be the next one.
They shelled Donbass for years to force Russia into the war they prepared for it. Now it will be a long painful war for Russia, not the West, the longer the better. NATO is the one who is turning up the pain dial by supplying more and more heavier and deadlier weapons to Ukraine. They don't even have to fight and die but Ukraine and Russia do. All the 'inflation', 'Gas price too high' again by design to make the West looks like the victims and not the real offenders.
China made a lot of announcements but at the end did not act. Worse, China's war exercises around Taiwan now look like a chest thumping act. Sorry China, next time it will be more painful. China will choose time, place, and battle? We will see.
He might be right this time, time will tell, but The Saker is one of the most permanently wrong and dishonest humans who has ever disgraced the internet with his opinions.
He adamantly insisted that Russia would never, ever, have any reason to invade Ukraine until the day Russia invaded Ukraine, then completely changed his entire story into a long list of reasons why it had always been necessary for Russia to invade Ukraine.
I can't wait for him to be finally outed as a foreign agent and deported back his mother Russia where he can serve their glorious Church who persecuted his family and sent them into exile for the savage crime of celebrating Christmas a week later and holding their fingers in a different way when they make the sign of the cross.
Since Russia can do no wrong and is heaven on earth in Andrei's mind, he should have no problem moving home asap. He'll be much happier there. Or even China maybe, since he seems so convinced of their superiority in all things.
Look, if you read the Saker's articles written over the past several years, he comes across as a very gifted military and geopolitical analyst. Is he right all the time? Of course not. Prediction is a very difficult thing and any person who has a batting average of over 80% has got to be very gifted and competent. Is he is pro-Russia? Of course he is and he doesn't hide it. Or perhaps you prefer the news and analysis from the US propaganda mills which would have us believe that Ukraine is winning, that Putin is soon going to be tossed out or die from cancer, and that the illegal sanctions imposed by NATO-US on Russia are going to make the Russians cry Uncle. When is the last time you filled up your gas tank in any NATO country or the US? Have you not been hurt by the massive inflation of food and grocery prices? Ask yourself why this happened, why did NATO have to encircle Russia from all sides and set up missiles on Russian doorsteps.
Well, Anon. I don't think one needs to lie about the infallibility of Russia and constantly harp on the stupidity of the average American while living in America.
The Saker is a bad guest. Any sane country would jail him or deport him. Were I in Russia and were to talk about Russia the way he talks America here, I would be in jail or worse.
You say "perhaps you prefer the news and analysis from the US propaganda mills" as if we're to choose between 2 lies instead of preferring truth. Everyone knows American propaganda sucks and is dishonest, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about how Saker's propaganda sucks and the Saker is dishonest. He's not pro Russian enough to live in Russia, but he is pro Russian enough to propagandize on their behalf while he allegedly lives in multi generational exile?
You're free to love him. I personally hate him and hope he leaves my country that he fights against while living in.
As Victoria Nuland showed Russia who's boss in instigating the Maidan Uprising in Kiev in 2014, Nancy Pelosi has shown China who's boss this week in Taipei, Taiwan.
The USA has never had a more incompetent and dangerous group of idiots running the nation. The sh*t WILL hit the fan.
Thank God we have had a very civilized exchange of views here with no personal insults, foul language, etc., etc. I think you haven't read too many of the Saker's writings: he goes out of way to make clear that he has nothing against the average US citizen and that he has had a deep respect for US professional military officers and other intellectually honest US professionals. He does lament the decline in ethics, competence, integrity, etc. all across US society. Don't you? And like I said, he is right about 80% times, which means he is wrong 20% times. But he is bang on in explaining many of the major events of our times, at least so I think. And because he is bang on in explaining some of the big stuff brilliantly, I read him regularly.
@Martin, they are not incompetent! War is big business while other nations need peace in order to trade and gain.
Anon, I was first introduced to The Saker somewhere around 2014 and have read at least 100 of his articles. It would be hard to say how he has been right 80% of the time. He was saying that BRICS was the death blow to America, which was hilarious even at the time, but way funnier now since barely anyone even knows what BRICS is anymore, and all of its members are in economic dire straits with the possible exception of Russia, although even then I'm not convinced their natural gas is the ace up the sleeve some think it is.
As for him allegedly having nothing against American citizens, yes he'll occasionally take a break from insulting his host country to say he doesn't think all of its citizens are pure trash, but I think that's just his really cheap attempt at being polite. It never seems sincere to me because he does just outright say we're ignorant idiots. I wonder what he thinks of the Russian general public, or if he even knows anything about them.
Also, the man is an Orthodox Christian, for God's sake. They quite literally believe that they themselves, and only themselves, are the living body of Christ acting out God's will on earth. How do you get humble honest analysis from any Orthodox Christian? I've never encountered it personally. All Christians have that bias, but the Orthodox take their self righteousness to levels that resemble western stereotypes of fundamentalist Muslims.
And yes, I do see the decay all around me, but I don't want my country to fail and enemies to win because of that. That's the difference between me, an American, and Saker, a world traveler pretending to be Russian.
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