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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

L'ancien café on 5-10-23--Pakse copy

L'ancien café, where there's live music at 8:30PM each night. Though that's my bedtime, I should check out this scene.


paddy said...

Ha! very good!

I always FEEL like going to bed at 8:30 but never do! Stay up WAY too late and feel like a big slug the next day.

Still, rising as early as you do every day, 8:30 must feel like midnight, eh!

You are DA man, Linh! Traveling the world with Eastwood like sang-froid in the face of the Arcturas variant.

Linh Dinh said...

Hi paddy,

No dangers in this corner of the world, and I trust you're being ironic with "Acturas variant." I was in Namibia when "Omicron" made the news. People there were indifferent to the hype. Men shared glasses at low end bars. There was no social distancing anywhere.


paddy said...

hello Linh,

yes, the mention of the latest scary variant was accompanied by silly, stupid grin. As i wrote earlier, it is my firm belief there never was any covid, just the usual flu, rebranded, dressed up and thrust upon the world like Dylan Mulvaney with his cans of Bud.

I was serious, though, in my admiration of your ability to travel extensively these last 3 years despite the efforts of the world’s scheming elites to gradually confine us all to 15 minute cities.
