after my latest article:
Great to get quoted by our esteemed host.
My concern is that the staunch embrace of all things Covidian is a sure sign that Thailand may be doomed. They seem to be sitting ducks for the Jewish plan for a Great Reset.
There was just a general election in Thailand. The entrepreneur who heads the Move Forward party placed first with 36% of the vote. He is a stooge of America. He wants to shut down the military and role of the king, distance Thailand from China and fully embrace America
Not surprisingly his party, like the ruling one in Taiwan, has been the beneficiary of millions from Jewish NGOS. During the election, the party had a grassroots network paying voters 2000 baht (around $57) to vote for the party.
It is dismaying speaking with younger Thais who support him and the party. They feel if Thailand comes under the American umbrella (in other words becomes a vassal state) they will get true democracy, real freedom of speech and a strong economy. Of course, Americans don't get those things and neither do the American Empire's vassal states. However, for many non Chinese, Eastern Asians, America means democracy and a free press.
The brainwashing comes from media and the leaders ALL being educated in the West with neo-liberal finance Capitalism. Asians being smart is a myth. The majority of Asians are just better at following instructions compared with other races. As for the "free and individual thinkers" (really smart), each race/country has about the same percentage...say 5%. This is where a larger population has advantages; by percentage, you have more "smart" people.
Most people on this planet don't even have "common sense". They really are just "sheep". Can you really blame the smart Elite?
Thailand has been through this with the Thaksin administration in the early 2000’s. As soon as the Jew usury gets introduced the Bangkok elites will circle the wagons and coup/exile/whatever it takes to ride the country of financial offenders. Well, at least I hope this pattern continues .
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