[Vientiane, 7/23/23]
China Daily presents China in the best light. Across the globe, you can find this propaganda rag. Sitting at Cafe Vanille in Vientiane, Laos, I open its July 7-13, 2023 edition to find this tiding:
The Peace Ark, the largest hospital ship of the People’s Liberation Army Navy, departs from a port in Zhoushan, Zhejiang province, on July 3, to conduct humanitarian medical work overseas […] the hospital ship will visit Kiribati, Tonga, Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands and East Timor during the Harmonious Mission 2023 operation […]
You have to be a psycho to oppose peace arks on harmonious missions. Enduring Freedom sounded great, too, until its sponsor decided to cut and run. Its war profiteers had gorged themselves enough at that location. Win or lose, merchants of death always win. Now, on to Ukraine!
Small countries that make up most of the world don’t propose or push any global agenda. Only fattest cats do. On page 5, I learn:
President Xi Jinping called for the implementation of the Global Civilization Initiative, saying that China is ready to work with all parties to carry on the common values of humanity—featuring peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom—and to jointly promote the progress of human civilization.
Global Civilization sounds same same as globalism, but it’s different, mon, for it’s led by China, but what exactly is its vision?
China Daily, “[Xi Jinping] has expounded on the latest vision of exploring new frontiers in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context and the needs of the times […].”
In Marxist hell, Karl just laughed so hard, all the boils around his buttocks and genitals popped, splattering pus on the faces of Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Mao, Hồ, Pol Pot, Castro, Che and Bernie Sanders, though the last is still sitting pretty in North Hero, Vermont.
“Oh shit, Jane, I’m temporarily blinded, again!”
Undeterred, China Daily elaborates, “Only by drawing theories from practice, applying theories in practice and using the practice to test theories can the Party move forward based on the pattern of history and ensure its adherence to the spirit of science.”
It’s just a smoke screen, man. Internationalism is a con.
China is about China. With so many mouths on so little land, China must spill into Laos, Cambodia, Spain, Italy, France, Serbia, Canada, Namibia and Angola, etc. How many Chinatowns are there in New York City? China must take care of Chinese. Selfishness is a foundational right!
China’s soft power offensive is childish compared to Uncle Sam’s cultural manspreading. On his last leg, Sam still seduces.
Although Sam dropped a record number of bombs on Laos, and his cluster bombs here continue to kill, Sam is not seen as a genocidal maniac, but a cool, hip guy who’s easy going and often goofy. Whatever his age, he’s often seen in preteen attire. His T-shirts with cartoon figures emphasize his boyishness. His superheroes renew myths, if only to idiots. Though clumsily staged, his moon landings still awe. Above all, his harem of blown-up cockteases inspire self-service cock teasing.
Unlike China Daily, Sam doesn’t waste words, but speak with images, plus a few slogans.
Contrary to stereotype, traveling Americans are fine emissaries for Uncle Sam. Those who have enjoyed decades of reconstituted chicken, Twinkies and Mountain Dew are too wide for an airline seat, so they ain’t going nowhere. Ditto, the delayed suicides with tranc sores or, simply, those whose wages chain them to a hood of half-burnt homes and boarded-up stores. Eyes glazed after work, they triple lock their door then try to stay awake through their TV dinner. This week at Piggly Wiggly, Banquet’s rib-shaped protein patty with corn and potato flake mash is just $2.50 per box.
Those Americans kicking it in Naples, Prague, Budapest, Seoul or Vientiane, then, aren’t typical. If not moneyed, they’re likely seasoned travelers, for the more timid stick to cruises and package tours, which limit their exposure to locals. Barely anywhere, they’re gone.
Generally not misshapen, independent Yankee travelers can swan about looking cool, with loads of reserve currency to dispense.
Six weeks ago in Pakse, Laos, I was in the restaurant at Subinh Hotel. In barged a young American wrapped in a white towel, since the shirtless weren’t allowed. Exuberant, he loudly spoke with a buddy, already there. Staff or customers, all the Laos wore button-up shirts. Casting sidelong glances, they noticed and heard the spectacle.
Yesterday in Vientiane, I also saw “FUCK PUTIN” sprayed in bright blue on a wall. I’m almost certain a foreigner is responsible because 1) Laos don’t do graffiti 2) Laos almost never curse. The latter I learnt from Vietnamese living here. Also, during five months in Namibia, I never heard shit or fuck once, so such abstention is possible.
More than a statement against Putin, this is a fuck you against Laos, for they’re confronted by this public obscenity, and will have to clean it up. That it’s just 12 yards from an entrance to the 16th century Wat Ong Teu adds to the affront.
In this neighborhood, I’ve also seen PETA and “Good Night White Pride” stickers on a traffic sign. Self-absorbed, the West exports its squabbles, obsessions, distortions and white noises.
Tactful, modest or just resigned, lesser nations don’t force anyone to listen to them. Quietly, they mind their business. With just seven million people, landlocked Laos doesn’t project any power, hard or soft, but it will defend its borders and traditions, though, and that’s enough.
Excelling at nothing, Laos has never won an Olympic medal, Nobel prize or international beauty pageant. It has bred no world class musician, writer or artist. Its tiny stature is actually literal. According to World Data, it’s the second shortest country on earth, with the average adult measuring just 5 foot 3.
Despite all this, Laos feels more solid, intact and stable than, say, much of the West. At peace with themselves, Laos are calm, and this serenity infects even casual visitors.
No nation, though, is safe from concerted destruction. Just look at Ukraine. Cynically used as a battering ram against Putin, it has lost most of its best men, with millions of its citizens already scattered across the globe. Having lost land to Russia, it’s now threatened by Poland, its supposed ally, and Hungary may bite off a chunk. Ukraine’s last hope is to become a rump state blighted by cluster bombs and depleted uranium. From behind the curtain, Jewish Victoria Nuland gets her revenge. On stage, Jewish Vladimir Zelensky becomes ever more insufferable.
Ukraine’s demise’s key sponsors, the US, UK, Germany and France, are also being deformed and canceled, by the same actors.
Meekly, they burn.
[Vientiane, 7/23/23] [Wat Ong Teu in Vientiane on 7/23/23] [Wat Mixai in Vientiane on 7/23/23] [Wat Mixai on 7/23/23]
Doesn't it seem like China only still calls itself Communist out of respect for Mao?
Hi WayWay,
I don't think it's respect for Mao. The Communist Party must use bullshit logic, though, to give itself legitimacy, and it uses Mao, too, for that purpose. The Vietnamese Communist Party does the same with Ho.
It's interesting how mankind keeps to the old tribal habits. If you're the biggest guy on the block, you have to lord it over everyone you can until someone bigger comes along. It is completely idiotic as we'd all, including the elites, be better off if we lived in peace and respect. But the elites wouldn't be so far above the lowly average schlub and that simply can't be.
The absurdity of American life during the last days as number 1 has become overwhelming.
So which is it? Are the Americans who travel the lean, cool and savvy types or are they assholes? Mostly the latter in my estimation. You seem to contradict yourself with your descriptions.
I did not contradict myself. The guy with the towel was an exception. Foreigners don't see the stay at home types.
Plus, I didn't stress behavior but appearance of affluence and being leisurely. Broke Americans don't travel.
I have to know
Is Bernie still blinded from the pus shot to the eyes?
White girls on trust fund tourism slapping their pseudo-leftist stickers all over. Puke.
It’s true that broke Americans don’t travel. However, I’ve seen plenty of overweight, loud and obnoxious jerks on both the beaches of Costa Rica and the streets of Brussels, for example. Cringe worthy behavior in fact.
I lived in northern and Southern Europe and traveled extensively. I also lived in a remote beach town where most of the whiteys were lean and cool, but venturing into popular tourist spots, there they were again—loud ugly Americans.
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