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Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Shot Dead The Movie


Tom Herzog said...

Thank you for making this documentary available, Linh.

Jeff Rense at rense.com has been publishing information about the horrific danger of the Covid vaccine since the so called pandemic began. That's where I've been getting a lot of my information about Covid 19 and the vaccine from.

To my mind it was pretty quickly established that the Covid vaccines were doing more harm than good. As the years pass there is a growing body of evidence that the vaccines were not just negligently created for a quick profit to Big Pharma but there was a malicious intent in their creation. I.e. the vaccines were intended to harm and perhaps kill.

For me not enough time has passed to know with absolute certainty what everything regarding Covid 19 and the vaccines was about. E.g. Were they simply a shoddy product released hastily to increase Big Pharma profits? Were they intended to harm and kill? Was Covid a lab-created disease? Was Covid a real disease at all?

I only hope as time passes we will get closer to knowing the truth.

I, personally would like to see Anthony Fauci and the Big Pharma top executives in prison but perhaps I'm being too hasty in my judgement and desire for retribution.

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Tom,

It's a deliberate genocide. I've written about it:


