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Thursday, May 2, 2024

8 armed men robbed Vietnamese jewelry store in Oakland on 4/10/24

Around for 41 years, this store has been robbed a few times, with one family member killed in the 90's.


WayWay said...
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Anonymous said...

Even with hats and masks it ain't rocket surgery to identify the criminals.

swiss reader said...

This footage,after trying to regain composure,reminded me of Frederic Chopin:"I remember Norblin, the painter, saying that a certain painter in Rome had seen the work of another one, and found it so unpleasant that he — died"
Now I`m back to losing composure..

swiss reader said...

More of Chopin:I am cross and depressed, and people bore me with their excessive attentions. I can’t breathe, I can’t work. I feel alone, alone, alone, though I am surrounded.The world is in a godless way now.
Lady——, one of the first great ladies here, in whose castle I spent a few days, is regarded here as a great musician. One day, after my piano, and after various songs by other Scottish ladies, they brought a kind of accordion, and she began with the utmost gravity to play on it the most atrocious tunes. What would you have? Every creature here seems to me to have a screw loose.They all look at their hands, and play the wrong notes with much feeling.They are kind, but so boring that the Lord preserve them!

Anonymous said...

The American Dream my ass, this Vietnamese family would be better off returning to Vietnam, or at least out of Oakland.