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Sunday, February 26, 2023

Writing station on 2-26-23--Phnom Penh copy

I had my cappuccino and rice with grilled pork. I had taken and uploaded some photos. With my can of Cambodia, then, I'm ready to begin a new article, I think, so wish me luck. Reporting to you from beautiful Phnom Penh, I sit almost within sight of the Central Market with its magnificent dome cum ziggurat.


john henninger said...

Ah Linh, so much inspiration; I drove a cab in N philly in '70, expat since i feel connection to what u r doing. Thank you

Linh Dinh said...

Hi John,

I'm glad to hear you got out. It's a sick scene back there, and I'm talking about the whole country, of course, not just Philly.



Looking good, man!
