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Monday, September 13, 2021

Responding to a reader about Unz Review:

E. Michael Jones and Laurent Guyenot are two of our top thinkers. Although Guyenot is not an Unz columnist, he appears there fairly regularly. His essays are long and always eye opening. Gilad Atzmon is very good also.

Fred Reed can be an excellent writer, especially when he discusses China or creationism, but his dismissal of concerns about the official 9/11 narrative is a huge strike against him, as is his mockery of the obvious fact that powerful Jews, and Jewish thinking in general, have had an evil effect on the USA and the world.

After I said enough of Unz, someone pointed out that the Saker and Mike Whitney may have just left also. The Saker because of the many belligerently stupid commenters, and Whitney because, I assume, of Unz' glib pro vaccine stance, and his weird and weak defense of all the tyrannical diktats to enforce a jab that, at the very least, fattens Big Pharma, much of it owned by Jews.

Paul Craig Roberts has repeatedly summed up, very succinctly, that the fake vaccines themselves are causing the increased spread of Covid, including the "Delta variant," that they provide no immunization, thus no health benefits, but are responsible for a long list of health damages, including death, and, this is most important, that they may be designed to actually kill people, though not all who are vaccinated.

Though Unz oddly refuses to see all this, at least he has featured one of Roberts' anti-vaccine articles, with the rest easily located at Unz.

9/17/21 update: Mike Whitney is still at Unz, for he has a terrific article up today.


Linh Dinh said...

Hi all,

Featured in a literary event in Paris, I was supposed to be there in late November, with flights and hotel room for a week all paid for. France has just announced that no unvaccinated American citizens can enter, however, so yesterday, I had to email the organizer to say I wasn't coming.

Plan B was to fly to Barcelona, then enter France by land, stay near Toulouse for six weeks at a friend's house, then come to Paris for my event. After Spain announced it was closed to unvaccinated Americans, this plan was scratched.

Even if I could have entered France, I would have had to fly from Cape Town to Tirana, where I could get a second Covid test at the airport, then fly to Toulouse. This ruse was necessary since France wouldn't accept any visitor flying in from Africa.

For weeks, there have been protests all over France against the Covid passport. Even in towns and villages, there are weekly protests. The French are at the forefront against this Covid enabled totalitarianism.

Meanwhile in South Africa, everything is open, with life practically normal. The only stupid rules are a late night curfew, and a ban on supermarket purchase of alcohol on Saturday and Sunday.


xlarry said...

a very good summing up, linh. many thanks! funny, i've looked at your final article at unz, and after your announcement all these insensitive racist/narcissists just carry on with their usual back and forth, as if nothing had happened.
any chance you'll come to ole blighty? cheers man,

Zeno said...

After Spain announced it was closed to unvaccinated Americans

The problem is that those measures like "vaccine passports" are not only unfair and annoying - they are also totally useless, in terms of containing Covid or any type of disease. Their only motive is to be so annoying that people will get tired of the hassle and get vaxxed.

In fact, the Health Minister of Israel said as much: the only point of "green passes" and similar stuff is to blackmail people into vaccination. But since the vaccination isn't also the "magic potion" promised, then it is worse than useless, it is evil.

P.S. Sorry to see you leave UR.

Jason B said...

I enjoy your essays, mostly, and especially your books. If you leave Unz Review I will understand. His take on covid has exposed him as over the top neurotic. A college pal worked for him after graduation in the late 90's and his basic take was Ron Unz has no real idea about life as it happens on the planet. Everyday, the two would walk out of the office in downtown San Diego, where my friend was expected to drive Ron home. And every day (according to my friend) Unz could not remember where his car was. He could not tell North from South; he was totally disoriented when on the ground. Not a huge issue--and I am no longer in contact w my college pal--but it does point to a guy who has always had millions and does not know how to survive in the world to come.

xlarry said...

interesting comment, jason b. unz to me is an egghead who reads way too much, and lives way too little. on top of that, he's extremely arrogant as only that brand of 'intellectual'--much like chomsky--can be.

Jason B said...

xlarry: one other thing I remember from my friend's description: Unz walked as if he literally had a stick up his ass! He leaned forward with his butt sticking out, chest and head forward. Not a nice image but there you have it. I think he's just a strange dude. Anyway, I do like his website for the fact he does not censor, but the white nationalists it attracts are moronic a lot of the time. What strange bedfellows.